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Posts posted by scruff636b

  1. @killerred The message will only be sent if you logged on that week, and upon the day that you log on you will get a flashing red message center reminder instead of the normal one




    @nacfan What stops normal people creating mindless accounts, doing tutorial island, and then setting them on the general public? Every. Little. Helps

  2. Small idea, each week you will get a message from Jagex that asks you to confirm if you were playing that week and etc. The message would have 3 Questions, with things like:


    'What is the word in the box?'


    'How much is members for ___'


    And other things like this, which would basically just attempt to cut the software from the softies




    But what if you weren't on that week? If you weren't on, the message wouldn't be sent, and if you were on but didn't answer the questions from the message you would be sent a message to your 'Appeal a Offence/Ban' section and would have to explain why. Not explaining would give you a Final Chance Appeal immediately after your First appeal had been checked over by Jagex




    Supports? If you don't understand, I will try to answer any questions if you ask in a non-flaming way. I will report all flames or comments which don't really seem to add to the topic

  3. These are the rewards lol (have the stats of a rubber chicken lol):


    1) Teh Banhammer! (When activated you raise it above your head and say 'Thou hath been banned!' only bigger, and like a moderator lol


    2) The P2P Spell: Big Ban Blow (1 Air, 1 Law, 1 Mind. Deals a giant hand saying banned upon the person you aim at. no other effects lol, except immobilising for 5 seconds. Can be used outside of wildy!)




    And so that rangers don't get left out


    3) Exploding easter eggs! (When thrown they land on the ground, but explode after 10 seconds!)

  4. The point of the first post was simply to get my ideas down, but if rewards were required, they'd be pretty small (AKA: Free Teleport to certain rooms when you die, or even the fabled artifact of runescape named the BANHAMMER)


    Or even a Tome of Experience for Defence!




    Also, another idea i've had is that when you break a rule, you are transported into the respective room when you log back in. simple, and effective you happen to be an autoer or macroer of a further away resource




    Next, Bard Man, i've been thinking about that room and at first I thought 'oh no! this is a flashback from my disability fayre!' but then I think that being able to attack mirrors with images of you in would be a decent. Like from Lunar Diplomacy's 'Me', only you can fight it again and again for no rewards except knowledge

  5. Following the revival of the Black Hole topic ideas by The_Platypus, which I support all the way, i've been thinking about the Stronghold of Security. Think about it, the main purpose of that place was to highlight security and how to live respectably on runescape, so why not a floor on the sinners of rule breaking?




    Each room shares the following NPC that can be talked to. It will say something about its crime, as a weeping thing (e.g, if the spirit was banned for trading rl money for rs gold, something about that)




    Yes. I know it is the Sin Seer. It was just what I thought about at first




    Simply put, there would be another ladder from the final floor, leading to a simple dungeon with flashing lights and everything (there would be a warning for people who get flash fits from these) and in each room there would be something symblifying that crime, in order of rule


    'The Room of Language'


    This room would have a small pipe of sewage near the entrance, with poison water coming out. In the center of the room would be a moving snake head, letting out poison like spirits. They are attackable, but non-agressive


    'Offensive Spirit. Level 23. EXAMINE: So thats what happens if you use bad words! No Drops. 15HP'




    'The Room of Deception' (NOTE: Covers Rules 2, 5 and 10)


    This room would be in darkness, but if you had a tinderbox it is normal. There are almost invisible Sin Seer things which deal you 1HP damage each 15 seconds in the room. there is a open pipe which has generic people being pushed through by water, signifying leading people on through deception and lies.




    'the Arachnid Room'


    So obvious which rule this is. Webs and everything, Autoers in the webs with loads of Deadly Red Spiders and those spiders from the 3rd layer of the stronghold


    You can talk to the entrapped autoers, and they will say stuff like 'p-p-p-leeease let meeee freee!', but you will just hit them instead




    'The Room of Control'


    This room shows two totems pulling ropes of autoers between them. occaisonally, there will be autoers falling off and attacking you


    They are slow, and deal damage like level 3s with 3 attack




    'The Room of RL Trading'


    My favorite idea which started this topic off. The room would have tons of Fools Gold on the floor (untradeable, basically fake coins) and would have golden everything. The center of the room would be a pile of gold coins, moving as spirits and people try to climb out. There are no NPCs here, except from spirits talking about 'I only wanted that Rune Scimmy, now look where I am...' and stuff


    The Gold Pile would occaisionally trip you with a Tangle Vine, which simply just confuses you if you move while it happens




    'The Room of Doppleganging'


    This room is an attempt to highlight the sins of Multiple Logging in. There are Silver floors, with mirrors on the walls of the room which conjure a Attackable NPC named 'You' (Just like Lunar Diplomacy 'Me')


    The center of this room has a hole which you may gaze into. It shows millions of people who look exactly the same, and you take 5 points of damage from the migrane is causes




    'The Room of Enticement'


    This room is pretty darned hard to think of. It is a sulphur pit, with cracks in the floor containing arms which try to pull you in saying 'Just buy some money off me with pound coins!' and stuff. You can deal damage to these, but if you are fully pulled in (aka: don't deal 5 points of damage to it) you are thrown to a random place in Runescape




    I could make more, but i'm feeling really uncreative now. Sorry

  6. Simply extensions to the POH Rooms. This time, it is simply a lakeland-esque area and an exhibition hall




    Lake Room (Level 56 Construction, and Slug Menace Completed)


    Costs 125K, and also requires a standard immediately when constructed to mark its owner


    The Lake Room (More like area) is one of those areas where you let time pass and just relax. Its main features include a set of new Elegant Benches, Weeping Willows (and other plants), and Major Water Features. It MUST be on the edges or in the center of the house on the ground/middle floor for construction to work


    The Lake Room gains the following prior to creation items, with usual items being required:


    Entrance Portal (can be upgraded)


    Gazebo, see Formal Garden






    Reeds (Note: Must be built prior to any major water feature)




    These are the new spots and items:




    Gazebo: As Formal Garden


    Swinging Chairs: Level 56, 2 Bagged Trees (any type) and 5 oak planks. Can be Sat on by 2 people at once. Sleep on one to regain HP per half a minute). The Chairs may be flatpacked


    Posh Portal: Level 56, 25 Mithril Bars + 5 Limestone blocks. Changes settings/entrance & exit


    Holy Fountain: Level 79, 15 Marble Blocks. Set to current god, heals prayer points when placed into teacup and then drunk. Must not wear opposing faith's armour when drinking from if Zamorak or Saradomin




    'Water Feature'


    Fountain (all types): As table


    Lake: Level 60, +20K per payment for servant, 20 Limestone Blocks, Level 3+ Sink. This allows you access to the Player Owned Boat while it is held in the house. More later


    Pond: As Garden




    'Sub Feature: Water area' (NOTE: Lake or Pond needed)


    Reeds: As Garden


    Fishing Spot: Level 65, Bottled Fish blood (use knife on 4 fish to fill 1 normal vial) of type of fish wanted + 25 Raw fish of that type (can be noted). This allows you to fish, but any of the fished fishes cannot be banked or taken outside of the house


    Scuba Platform: Level 65, Saving Pirate Pete (Recipe of Disaster) + 12 Planks + 1 Set of Logs. This allows you to go underwater to encounter whatever side attractions there. If Fishing Spots, fish. If Reeds, seaweed and wildlife


    Weeping Willows: Level 56, 4x Bagged Weeping Willow Tree (30K total). Earns farming xp equal to construction xp. Just a tree or 4






    Normal seating items







  7. For a long time, the only horse in Runescape has been the fabled prank of a Toy Horse or 4. It doesn't really need to be this limited


    I think we should at least have a tiny bit of an experience in riding them. But not a fully blown skill, or a thing that you can do for a long period of time... This is not Horse Riding, or POH (Player Owned Horses). This is strange ways of adding horses as a minor part of the game!




    Option 1: Horse Racing


    Requirements: Workshop with all of the highest level tables and etc, or access to the Elven Lands, with Mourning Ends 1 completed.


    Simply add together Magic Planks (Cut only after Mourning Ends 1, and your servant cannot get for you), 3 Clockworks (Horses are bigger than cats and etc), with 2 silk combined with a bucket of sand/water for a rough 'skin' texture


    Then, you go down to the Varrock Rat Pits, and find a new cavernous area with a badly scrawn sign with 'HoRse RaciNG' on it. You may then pay up to 300K into a pot with someone else to race their horse, with a cranking up at the beginning to start the race




    Option 2: 'Message Carrying'


    Requirements: Mourning Ends 1, Gnome quests completed, at least 25 successful Gnome Deliveries, a gnomeball, a message circulation course (see below)


    As per normal, the Gnomes have developed a way for messages to be quickly and efficently around the battlefield, with the introduction of smaller tortoises and Shetlands being used. However, they have also located a land far away which has normal sized horses


    Following your dedication to Gnomekind, it has been decided in royal court that humanity should have the chance to reap the smaller benefits of these larger Horsekind, with the chance to gain items and rewards equal to those in Gnome Delivery!




    Message Circulation Course:


    Talk to the Tortoise trainer, and he will inform you that he now has permission to train humans in the use of Tortoises in message relay. You will then reply 'wouldn't that be a bit extreme against the land we deliver to'. He will then say 'Well, would you prefer to ride one of our new findings, called a Mow. It looks like a cow, only a bit different' *He shows you an image*, and you reply 'Why not horse?'


    There is then a screen: Would you like to become a Message Carrier? Y/N


    You will then be forced to do a Hard Gnome Delivery Course with 5 minutes more time, but only a clue with a zoomed image of them to go on. After this, when you get back there, you will be given a Certificate of Aptitude, and be able to ride


    Rewards: From the delivery, and 2K Agility XP




    You may then use the Gnomic Horse Network, to travel between certain areas. However, the use of this system requires you to also do 2 Deliveries for that day, with a instant 2K GP drain if you fail


    Also, you will only see a cutscene, like a Magic Carpet ride, and will not control the horse






    More to be added. Rate or Hate?

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