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Posts posted by Needrunefreak

  1. Jagex would still not ban them because they would think that it's a noob who got insulted by him and decided to report him.




    Unless everyone there reported him, in which case they think he shouted "Hey everybody report x for macroing!", where you replace X with the player's name.




    But I think that they should get banned because they're still breaking the rules.

  2. I don't think there is any flaming here. No one has insulted him personally or anything, I think.




    There is now :) joke




    Anyway, 30 days is definitely not enough to be able to decide on membership. I took 8 months :) And anyway, F2P is what made Runescape into the Runescape that it is now. I'm guessing you didn't play before there was P2P? (Note: I didn't either, not even RS Classic, I joined 1.5 years ago.)

  3. I remeber my first day very clearly...it was only 1.5 years ago...so funny I have to hide it...








    [hide=Click here to view...]I started on tutorial island.Talked to the first man then couldn't find the woodcutting and fishing tutor. Then I logged out. =D> [/hide]








    That was so funny... I logged back on a week later and with help from my friend I found the tutor :oops: !

  4. I was noob-baiting(where you get expensive members stuff and see if noobs go weird) and I saw this weirdo...








    Noob:Have u got 30k?




    me:yes, why?




    Noob: Do you want to buy my lvl 103 account its got 1mill on it




    me: no, I don't break the rules.




    Thank you, your abuse report has been sent.




    Noob: how is that breaking the rules?




    Me: You're not allowed to trade accounts.




    noob:I just want some money...sorry.




    Me: tough luck, you're reported. Not much use it'll do seeing as you're only level 5.




    Me: Why don't you just play on your level 103 account?




    Noob: Because I like this one!




    (I start out to varrock)




    Noob:Well can you just give me 3k please?




    Me: no




    (The above repeats 30,000 times on the journey to Varrock. When in varrock...)




    Noob2: Can i buy your kite?




    noob: please just 3k




    Me:okay,[trades with noob2]




    Noob: yay




    Me: I mean the other guy








    I offer rune kite, he offers 5k. I decline.




    Me:I bought it for 60k noob.




    noob2:addy kite 60k? rip off!




    me: it's a rune kite...it's blue not green.








    By then I'm slightly annoyed. F2P friend logs on




    Me2friend:come 2 my world




    friend2me: okay




    Friend logs out.




    Friend logs in.




    Noob and noob2 log out.




    Me2friend:Im noob baiting wanna come?








    friend2me:should I get a rod?








    That was so funny. And after that when I explained the concept of noob baiting...








    noob3:Come on lets dance(while dancing)




    Noob3:Everybody lets dance!




    me: Yeah lets dance(while dancing, jigging and zombie and goblin dancing)




    friend:lol lets dance!








    That was funny too.

  5. 3yosgno.png33582ub.png








    A new idea...when you make a new type, do an Info card for it. Here's mine for the Mod type.








    A new load. And Cad, could you put my ones on page 3 in the gallery? I looked and they weren't there. Mod power abuse will be on tomorrow. It will be a bit...overpowerful.

  6. About a week ago, I saw a lvl 3 saying that if I would follow him I would win some fulll rune(g) and he showed it me. I thought it was an obvious scam but followed him anyway. It was the trust test game. I didn't lose anything I couldn't replace, only 40 death, 39 chaos and 67 law. But this is the part that REALLY annoyed me...








    His name was something like 4719 6241(an example, not the real name.). I couldn't see how many spaces there were. I only wanted to follow him to report him, so I was pretty annoyed.

  7. Today I have been thinking that the dwarf carts should have more places to go, like the coal trucks and other places where dwarves are. If there are a lot of them, then there could be a massive "Trucks Station" which leads to all places, because Keldagrim couldn't fit all of these in. You could have return tickets. And you could have a mini-game where you restock the Blast Furnace ore shop and you can use the mining carts for free to get to the mines. Suggest other places you could go here.
















    Blast Furnace


    Dwarven Mine


    White wolf Mountain


    Coal Trucks


    Mining guild






    Other Ideas:




    Me: The station could be at the Coal Trucks, and because that is an overground major station, there could be a ladder down to a major station. Alternatively, it could be somewhere else and there is a track rising up in the coal trucks.

  8. All I have to say is "LOL".




    I hate to use that term, I really do.. but...




    Are you high or something? I mean, seriously can I get some of stuff you're on? It seems pretty sweet.






    Two possible explinations for the original post:




    Theory I - You're High


    You see, when you take drugs, whether it be pot or crack or any other narcotic, your judgement becomes impaired, and you get all kinds of crazy ideas...




    Theory II - You're Trying to Sound Like an Intellectual


    Sometimes people like to think they're smarter than they are, or want people to beleive that they're smarter than they are, so they post stuff like this.








    Drivel. Pure and simple. Drivel.






    Note I - Why the Original Post was Drivel


    I've noted possible motivations for said drivel, but not why it is drivel. I think PureCheese said it best when he described "Chapter II" as a "bunch of fancy terms thrown together". "Quantum Mechanics", "The Butterfly Effect", etc.: all buzz-words used in completely innane ways. Most of the rest of the post was the same, buzz-words used in innane ways. Things that weren't that were just random blitherings that ammounted to saying "everything is relative".







  9. I would burn the Trade With button so everyone finds 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ashes in their bank(if that many people play Runescape), and find they are stuck with the 3 psets they are trying to merchant...MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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