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Posts posted by AznElliot518

  1. Like stated before, it really depends on what you want to play. IMO, you should get a starterpack. They are around $100-200. You can get a somewhat decent guitar, but the amp will crap out after a few months By that time you will know if you are serious about the guitar.

  2. Well I wont go into details, but I have lost every single item in my Runescape bank except for combat boots, a dramen staff, and about 400 gp. You can click on my name for my stats, which are somewhat good. Now....








    I need to start over again. I havent played in 6 months or so, so I am not familiar with the new stuff. Basically, I need to start with money, then becoming familiar with the Runescape world. Oh yea, and I have acquired 350 days of Runescape membership.








    Long story short, how do I get the ball rolling? Money would be the obvious answer, so I need quick easy money. How much do bowstrings sell for now a days? Thanks everyone.

  3. I first played Runescape back in 2oo2, before 10-Jul-2002, the earliest "news" event in the Runescape list of news. I remember that day vaguely because there was a crazy bug where bankers were attacking me and other weird stuff. I stopped for several years, then played again for a few months. Then I stopped for several years again, then recently started playing in April/May of this year. I stopped then in June, and now starting to "play" again.

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