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Posts posted by Nighthope

  1. Or, glory to Al'Kharid, then go to shantay pass. Talk to Shantay, ask him what the place is, then talk to him again, tell him you are a bandit or w/e. You get thrown in jail, he charges you 5gp, you deny, then he says it again, deny. You get teleported to the jail in Port Sarim. Then run outside and to the docks.






    ^^noone will ever now what that means muhahahahahmuhamahahahah




    ...well anyways just walk its so much better than using a glory charge

  2. i can't imagine why it was ever placed..




    Because an 4 byte unsigned int - which I'm pretty sure is used to store the amount od one item - can have a max value of 4294967295, which is just slightly over the cap.




    This really would not be very hard to implement, and if it were only effective on P2P, it would give an added incentive for extremely rich players to maintain their membership, as they would be unable to acquire anymore gold pieces on F2P.




    The next larger data type in sql* is the 8 byte BIGINT - and switching to this would make the bank data take 50% more space (assuming they use another integer to identify what item is in the associated slot), and i seriosly doubt they would sacrifice so much server memory for only a few players...




    Also, I'm pretty certain that they use the same table for P2P and F2P characters.




    *) I'm not sure if Jagex uses SQL as their database. I'm 95% sure they do, but even if they don't, what i posted shouldn't be far off.




    ...grrrrrr i was gonna say that




    but still 2100m is enough now go get 99 in ea stat or give away some and stop complaining

  3. usally u can tell who r the autoers they have stand colour clothing green top brown trousers, usally male and they dont respond to any chat.
    Actually one of my mates has just the xact outfit you described... and he's bald... so the only way you can tell is, say if your mining and there are a bunch of suspected auto bots say who wants ten mill. who ever doesn't say "me!!!!" rep them.. they are bots...


    it's fail safe :thumbsup:




    hahahahhahahahha lol thats funny :lol: :lol:




    *finds mod andrews mod_zooka and heads off to a f2p world behind varrock castle*

  4. Gross: 140WPM


    Net: 127WPM


    Errors: 9 words


    Accuary: 92%




    yay i win(i failed keyboarding 2 times, refused to do the work because my teacher was a old lady who hated me to hell and back) thank god it wasnt hard after i got a new teacher \'


    there is an argument that there is no such thing as "dying of old age" what would happen if we had a cure for every disease, would we be immortal?


    however, if we cured all our diseases then something new came around, we would all be stuffed because our bodies arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t used to protecting us from viruses and such, the drugs do it.


    there is a solution to this, do not cure the common cold and a few other minor sicknesses this way our body will know how to protect itself from anything new that comes around, that is if something does come around.


    for this reason it would not be a perfect world because you could still become sick from a cold to keep your body ready for any other viruses that may come around.


    you may think it is silly that we would not cure all the diseases if we knew how to, but if you have ever watched war of the worlds, or various other movies, the other race isnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t used to our diseases and all die, now say that our robots haven't picked up all the viruses and then one comes around, the entire population would be wiped out because the body cannot overcome it, it doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t know how.


    I agree that people don't 'die of old age' they die of heart failure and cancer, etc. However even with no diseases and cancer cured no one can live forever. All of our cells' have these things called telomeres attached to both ends of our DNA. There are there to protect the DNA since every time a cell divides and makes a copy of DNA little pieces from both ends of the DNA get ripped off. After about 30 divisions the telomeres are pretty much gone and the cell simply can't divide anymore without ripping its DNA and dying. At ~120 years this starts to happen to certain parts of the body like your skin, making your skin plastic like and unable to heal; it will happen to your entire body at ~130 years of age although no one has lived that long to see it's effects yet.


    It is impossible to cure, you can't add to the telomeres without messing with cells DNA, and if you do that the body won't recognize it and the immune system will attack it.


    Also, funny enough, you can simply stop the telomeres from shortening, making your cells able to reproduce as many times as they want to. This happens all the time actually. Its called cancer ;). Cancer cells taken from a 90 year old patient that died in the 1930s are still around and reproducing in various petri dishes in labs around the world. Cancer is immortal, humans can never be.


    yeah i didnt think immortality was possible either, i had theory about women forced to go around and ... well the less said the possible, anyone who has read handmaiden's tale will know what im talking about.


    DOUBLING EVERY FRIGGIN 2 YEARS?????the world population only doubles every 50 years! so in no time, the whole world will have internet and be playing mmos?


    lol all the dudes in india and ethiopia playing world of warcraft while sheep and stuff walk past




    lol all the little kids in china sweatshops playing world of warcraft while ppl yell at them lol, but seriously dude that is a friken long page like 3 or 4x larger than anyother page i have EVER seen and im on the computer alot. but ur statement is hard to argue with so ill agree with it

  6. ok time for me to get talking




    kq would win defentitly BECAUSE NOONE CAN SOLO HER, yet jad, kbd, chaos/rest=soloable


    kq=not soloable


    and kq has prayers that never run out that means she is gonna win,why? because wat does kbd use:mage, chaos:mage, Jad mage and range and melee yet the kq would probaly not get to close to jad so he would have to use mage or range :-k whats that mean:none of those monsters could get though her first form!!!!

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