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Posts posted by sir_hellsinn

  1. On september 23, 2006 The Dragon Templars were to face off against an old rival clan that had defeated them in their early days, the Defiant Templars. It was a standard full rune full out war and we knew it would be a tough fight.




    But little did we suspect that Dt wasnt going to play by the rules. In this vid we can see the low ball they threw at us. We had felt very confident before hand because their member list on runehead was equal to ours.










    Yet somehow they pulled TWICE as many opts as us and had somehow acquired a dozen more lvl 100+ then their runehead had showed. AND on top of this they brought mages! Which we had clearly said were not going to be allowed. We asked DT how they had pulled so many opts and they said we had logged in on top of another clans war, which was laughable. And it appeared that Yummy Cakes, a member from Clan Militia was there, with members, and was helping DT pile!








    Even after all this evidence was against them they still acted as if it was an accident and that Militia must have some to crash, even though they never attacked DT ounce and followed their piles. So later a member of tdt, sir murdock, went to Clan Militia's irc and asked them why Yummy Cakes had been there with severel members of militia and heres what was said...










    ^^as u can clearly see tdt was double crossed by dt.




    The defiant Templars are clearly a clan of low standards, no pride, and appove all no honor. They cheated, plain and simple. They lied to cover it up but not good enough. I advise other clans to never war DT or let them participate in clan tournaments and any rs players out there to NEVER join this clan, unless u have no honor and if that is the case you will fit right in




    And if you didnt beleive me before here's some new evidence that catches dt red-handed.














    ~Sir Hellsinn-Council member of the Dragon Templars

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