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Posts posted by Demonic_Bunny

  1. Ah, we need to know everybody's religion so that we can successfully convert them to the one true faith - Atheism! :lol:




    No, I am not trying to start a 'flame war.' People complain that everything turns into religious or political arguments, this is because ultimately they are the only topics worth talking about.




    You may not be concerned with the spreading of worldviews and beliefs counter to your own - but I am.




    Kill them before they spread!




    [no, not really - get a sense of humor :XD: ]

  2. If maturity doesn't exist, then why do we have age restrictions on things like voting and contract laws.




    The reasons why we have restrictions such as thi\ese is because there is a very clearly observed relationship between maturity and age.




    Thus with an influx of younger players into Runescape, the average maturity is most likely to drop.




    That is not to say that all young people are immature, merely that it is more likely for older people to have a higher level of maturity.




    Maturity is the way you act towards life - such as respecting others and making logical, well thought out observations, not "0mGz0r PMg!!111


    I getz Haxz0r3d111!?"




    Allow me to demonstrate:




    Mature, Responsible 'Scaper (MRS): "Hello there, level 3, are you new to this game? Would you like some help?"




    Immature 'Noob'(IM): "I gotz haxd, can I haf phree stof p10x?"




    MRS: "Well, I'm sorry you lost your account - would you like me to show you how to make some money?"




    IM: "Give me money pleez.( Or some variation )"




    MRS: "No, sorry."




    IM: "Omg -reported noob, I hate joo."




    Well, you get my point?




    If not, please seek assistance by clicking the small X in the upper right hand of your moniter. :-w

  3. Indeed, there is a 'noob' conspiracy - but don't point your collective fingers at those poor hapless 5 year olds. What is really happenning is this; Blizzard, the creators of WoW, see Runescape as a threat to their MMORPG revenue, and have created 'noobs' to make the game less enjoyable and thus increase the rate of players quitting RS. :?




    These 'noobs' are not people as such, they are soulless creations of corporate greed.




    Next up: The secret corolation between UFO's and Autoers...

  4. Just recently, as of around 2 - 3 hours ago, I started to lag dramatically in Runescape, Randomly logging in and out.




    I checked my Task Manager, and saw I was using a whoping 85% CPU usage when on the RS Login page, [bleep]ing to 93 - 100% while ingame.




    While browsing with IE my CPU usage was 2 - 30%.




    The world I used didnt make a diffrence, and being connected to the RS homepage didnt seem to raise my CPU usage either.




    I use Broardband connection, around 2MB ( <.< ) but surely this is unusual?




    Could someone help me here. :-s




    PF usage also jumped about 70 - 80MB while ingame.

  5. I have recently made a f2p skiller and need help and advice for several skills.




    My budget is not unlimited, but I am willing to spend up to 500k on 1 skill.




    Skills Requiring Assistance:




    ~ Smithing ~




    What is a relatively cheap\quick way to level this skill?


    I have done knights Sword and am currently smelting steel bars.. This is not to my liking, so any advice would be hugely appreciated. :)




    ~ Crafting ~




    This skill seems horrendously expensive to level - bear in mind that I am level 3, so cannot kill my own cows. I am also f2p so I cannot spin flax.


    As with above, any advice would be appreciated.




    Also, while I realise that there are plenty of topics on this out there, what can\should I be merchanting from a capital of 1 - 1.5M ?




    Please, post advice. If anyone wants to add me ingame and offer assistance or just chat, I would be delighted. MY RSN is Godly-Image.




    Once again, thankyou for reading ( and hopefully posting <3: )

  6. Huhlo Tip.it!!11Eleven1






    Before we begin, a little about me; I have played Runescape for many years ( Since '03 ) and have very little to show for it. Various factors have contributed to this, but not least, a short attention span. Thus I have decided to set myself small goals, 'Baby steps' if you will, towards my goal


    of 1000 Skill total at the grand combat total of 3.




    Thus, I will have to get membership at some stage, but for the moment I am 100% Free to Play.[/hide]


    [hide=1.0 Contents]


    1.0 - Contents.


    1.1 - Current goal I am working towards.


    2.0 - Stats\Overall Progress.


    3.0 - Teh Bloggeh <3:


    3.1 - My Goals.


    3.2 - My daily (Read Weekly) Blog.


    4.0 - Acknowledgements[/hide]


    [hide=1.1 Current Goal]


    All Free to Play Non Combat Skills at 50.


    This was the sole goal of my origional blog, but I have revamped and expanded it. 4/8 Skills Achieved. \'




    [hide=2.0 Stats]


    Attack, Strength,Prayer,Magic and Range are all level 1.


    Also, only F2P skills are listed at the moment, all P2P skills


    are level 1.










    Being Worked On
























    [hide=3.0 Bloggeh

  7. Just noticed something..


    The r2h appears to have slowed. :shock:




    I may, however, just be going insane. :oops:




    Can someone confirm this\or if the bow -> weapon switch speed has slowed?

  8. Hmmm, Perhaps some of my more uncharitable feelings about some of my friends.. ( Which I dont tell them about :lol: )




    Perhaps, that I still play Runescape, however most of my friends couldn't care less. Just can't risk owrd leaking out. :anxious:




    Oh, and that I harbour plan for global revolution. :P

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