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Posts posted by sickbailey

  1. BAD IDEA. haven't done rfd :oops: but i'm a barbarian assault addict and it takes a very very long time to get the fighter torso. i still don't have it, and i play ba a lot. same with the rune defender (i have an addy one). not as long as fighter torso, but if someone could get that just by going into the wilderness and pking someone who had one, they'd become a lot easier to get and a lot less rare, since most people who have rune defenders also have an extra addy or mith one so they can get back to rune easily if they lose theirs.




    no support.




    you could at least read the whole thread before posting something STUPID like that. The whole idea is that you will have to have earnt it before, to be able to use one thats traded to you.




    It's just like Drag scimmy's, when they came out everyone was buying them, but they couldn't use them till they had done the quest.

  2. I just am seeing an overwhelming sense of selfishness and apathy for fellow man coming from anyone argueing for no honor. Just because you can do something selfish/ dishonest doesn't mean you should, and if you think it does, I personally would not want to be your friend in real life.




    +1, along with coga's post which basically destroys the whole article neways...

  3. to get it in 4 days (playing 24 hours the entire time), thats 3.25 mil xp a day. thats 12,296 red chinchumpas which works out to 512 an hour (8 a minute) which is IMPOSSIBLE! either they cheated or someone made it up that someone did it in 4 days. easy nuff.




    lol @ the idea someone made it up. we all have access to the highscores...




    Teleporting, ill be the first to say, there is a time and place for teleporting. Death matches on empty worlds, if you both dont agree to have teleports, then dont bring them. But, if your getting tagged, ANYWHERE not just edge, why not teleport. The odds are stacked against you, your not going to kill them, and they will kill you if you stay and fight. It comes down to the same result as protection prayers. Do i want to keep my honor and die with full ahrims and possibly whip? No, ill choose to teleport.





    there is a time for teleporting, I suppose when your being tagged/teameed and your alone, or if your in the wilderness to train, RC or kill dragons then yes teleporting is acceptable and I suppose so too is prayer.




    But as soon as you step in to the wilderness for PKing purposes that goes out of the wilderness. I dont bring normal teleports to the wilderness because I still believe in the idea of promoting honour, I do bring a teleport but thats in the form of a glory, which you should all know that I cant use it to tele out in a fight anyway.

  5. I personally pretty much hate this article. As an edge PKer myself at times, it frustrates me ridiculously that people will come to the wildy and simply be 'dishonourable', I come to the wilderness looking for challenges to take on, where if I do well and don't have to beat impossible odds I will receive a reward (their items). I usually PK in torags with a whip, or when I dont have a set of torags, I use a spare runeset, I take these items in to the wildy knowing full well theres a chance that I can lose them, and so will lose them if somebody beats me.




    bringing Tb's,entangles, etc to edge which is prodominantly a melee PKing spot defeats the object of trying to win/get kills as your taking an extra 3+ sharks out of your inventory which will mean that if you are having a fight which lasts a while you are ruining your chances of winning anyway if you do actually somehow find another honourable PKer.




    With all the updates to the game like firecapes, fighter torsos, gloves etc its becoming much easier to PK so sometimes you get the odd lucky kills, but the wilderness in my eyes is still currently ruined by the majority of the noobs that are in it.




    A lot of people dont like PKing in the higher levels of the wilderness because you will just get owned by people 20+ levels higher than you because them KO'ing you is no hard task, they are always able to PK with mage+ melee at the same time because they will have the neccessary stat boosts to stay alive with less food, especially fighting people 20 levels or more below them. But I suppose this is just a part of the next paragraph...






    If your going in to the wildy, be prepared to lose your items, or dont come at all. If your sole purpose is to annoy other players then dont come either, your just bringing things down even further and aggrevating things further.

  6. i dont think people give zezima the credit he deserves. hes worked a long time to get wat he has and he just gets flamed for it.




    if they put the effort in, they deserve to get at least a little respect to come out.




    also lil yuffie has a few rank 1 stats, or a few top 10 stats, which make her just as good as zez, there pretty much about even IMO.

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