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  1. UPDATE! ignore the xxgurkenxx, thats my account on the mayhem maker forum, another place I posted this sig.
  2. I did this in MS Paint. cc please.
  3. Ok, that is some of the worst shading I have ever seen, even if you were using paint. In my siggy, I used paint for my first one, and I like it. Try looking for some tutorials on shading, you dont just change colours all of a sudden, you have to blend it. And you can use colours other then the default ones. You go to colours, then edit colours, and the you can change the brightness or shading of the colour you have chose, which helps your shading. Also, look for tutorials on the anatomy, because that guy doesn't look good. I stick by my 1/10. BTW: This looks like you rushed it. In the future, take your time with it. You cant rush it.
  4. Not that good... 1/10. Even for a first try.
  5. lol, I'll slow it down a bit...
  6. Whah? I stuffed up the text, I'm fixing it now, as for the other part, whah?
  7. Thanks, I used Adobe photoshop and imageready.
  8. Thanks! Everyone seems to like that one more than my other one... I like the animated one better! Thanks again woopidoo2!
  9. Thanks ppls! Take a look at the animated version: BTW: For all those ppl who say you cant do hald decent pixels in MS Paint on your first try, I just did. I think...
  10. Yeah could you? Could you make it so that the writing sort of, dissapears, and ... yeah... anything else you can think of. BTW: Thanks for the nice comments!!!
  11. loll, w00t! Thanks! My first ever 10/10! I'll get started on my second bit in like 5 mins.
  12. Which one is better? This one: Or This one:
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