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Posts posted by Looce

  1. I believe you're looking for this. You can never be safe in the knowledge that your data has been erased until the hard drive itself has been erased.


    edit: On a rather more serious note, if you really want to DBAN your hard drive, wiping all of your data in the process, you could boot from an Ubuntu Live CD and enter the command 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=1048576' at a terminal instead. Though DBAN is going to be easier.


    Otherwise, you could use the Clear Private Data option in Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and most other major browsers...

  2. Jagex does NOT allow continuous watching/scanning/polling of their server functions. And as far as I know, even the better fansites (Tip.It included) can only pull info from Jagex about one time every 4 to 6 hours and only when triggered by a user's mouse click. I'm probably wrong about the time limits, but I would need Administrator Pure_MageUK to drop in and tell us what Jagex allows Tip.It to do. :-?

    ~D. V. "I hate being an idea-killer." Devnull

    The "must be in reply to a user click" rule text applies to third-party clients and services that run on as many clients as there are users, more than anything.


    Consider the intent and context surrounding this change to the rule: Jagex added that text back when SwiftSwitch's server select screen updated the player counts on each server every X seconds. Now, SwiftSwitch runs once on every player's computer, so if many people use SwiftSwitch, the world select page is hit NumberOfSSUsers/X times per second. This was in the thousands, if not tens of thousands, per second, so this action got their bandwidth costs soaring.


    However, no matter how many users RuneScript has, the GE is checked for updates once a minute on one client, which means Jagex gets 1/60 of a request per second. I would say this isn't so bad.


    Geupdate.com and the bot GrandExchange on SwiftIRC do the same thing: one set of checks for any number of users.

  3. Micksam7, head of the RuneTracker, thinks this is because (the old) Meet Halfway changed his or her name, didn't tell RuneTracker about the change, then someone else with higher EXP took the name, and upon the next lookup of Meet Halfway's stats, a point of data in the Tracker was added.


    In any case, that record has been removed. Thanks for bringing that to our attention! :)

  4. (For the record, I'm Das's main source on this. I'm still waiting for Cruiser or someone else to visit the pages in a Windows VM containing an antivirus, but both links to HTML pages seem to only have JavaScript provided by Wordpress, no other JavaScript. The text files are OK.)


    Here's my comment on this thing, copy-pasted from silent c0re's blog:


    To Kiba (comment 6923): Its a text file. It would be rather far-fetched for it to contain a keylogger. If you do access the file linked in this blog post, the administrator of data.fuskbugg.se might get your IP address, though, even if using it to hack your account would prove impractical.


    And as Daniel the Awesome (comment 6929) posted below, Jagex can do rollbacks, Fail number 3″, a sentiment already echoed by Mike Fitz (comment 6909).


    Im not at all worried. My guess is that the supposed hacker just linked to that list, compiled by someone else in older highscores, to have a cheap laugh at the expense of gullible folks.


    Useful tidbits of information:


    1. The file is named like it would be a million-user list, but there are 677,556 unique names in the list, out of 766,039 lines. There are 88,483 redundant lines.

    2. There are 609,498 names appearing only once in the list. 48,471 names appear twice. 18,752 names appear 3 times. 832 names appear 4 times. These three players appear 5 times in the list: King Peter12, Timothy Gold, and Zogo. (The creator of this list is seriously noob at removing duplicates.)

    3. You may find your name written with a capital at the start, and again with a lowercase letter at the start. Likewise, you may find your name written with spaces and then with underscores.

    4. Ctrl+F doesnt work as quickly for names like Zezima, due to people naming themselves Sir Zezima45 or whatever and appearing before the real person in the alphabetical list portion. But Zezima is there, 3 times.

    5. The Old Nite (who died some time ago) is in the list, 3 times. I didnt know you could hack a permanent banned account.


    In short, nothing to see here, move along. If this hoax wasnt dead in the water yet, it should be. Spread the word. Thanks. Also, happy New Year!


    Now I see that there is a supposed "proxy list" that the hacker is to use on New Year's Eve; he could also have acquired that from pretty standard proxy forums/elite proxy forums.


    There's this old Internet adage that says "Don't feed the trolls." I think this Marsh guy is satiated.

  5. The calculators use a PHP script to set a cookie on your browser with your username if you choose to enter one, then a PHP script to parse the light highscores for the user's XP, then use JavaScript on the client side for the calculations. (Of course there's going to be some HTML, it's what the browser uses to display the calculator.)

  6. I'll add a note to this thread: look for compression options in your screen recording application of choice; change the codec to be something other than Full Frames (Uncompressed), if it is that. This will save you a lot of hard drive space.




    Be aware that some codecs can be slow. Since I've used Camtasia for a while to make screen capture videos, I've found the TechSmith Screen Capture Codec to be fast, yet lossless, though this was mainly for low-movement captures (most desktop apps) and RuneScape.

  7. The music you might be trying to play might only be 2.1 sound and not surround sound, meaning there would not be any music coming out of the rear speakers.


    Do you know where I could get a surround sound test file that actually works?


    Well, if you don't mind having video with the audio, you could always look at some of these. I found them while searching for "surround sound test file mp3", but they're not just audio :P

  8. I have an MP840, formerly T.sonic 840, by Transcend. It costs about 100 Canadian dollars now. It can play files copied to the drive with ordinary file browsers and commands (if you're a Linux guy!): MP3 and WMA for music, BMP and JPEG for images, TXT for text files. It can also reportedly play videos converted to a special format for the device, but the provided converter Doesn't Work, so get the non-video version to save some bucks.




    4 GB Flash memory (you might be able to get some higher capacity ones now), mini-USB 2.0 connection, 10 hours music playback... also, mine fell to the ground a few times and still works! :D

  9. You can't use HTML frames in a table o.O a frame hosts a document, which contains the table.




    Maybe an IFRAME element will work though. It won't be resizable like a frame, but it'll be something you can place inside the table.


    Or even a %-sized table with %-sized table cells and the CSS style "overflow: none;"




    Though I must ask, what do you want your site to look like?

  10. Although Tip.It's programmers do not have the skills for such a task, what I said still stands true.


    What is true? That security through others' lack of knowledge of your custom forum software Just Works? Security through obscurity is the worst form of security. All IT security experts know this. Tip.it's rather few coders would have to throw forum software around using hack upon hack upon hack to make deadlines, not even knowing how stuff works at one point; the hacks would make the server quite vulnerable to attack and call involuntarily inefficient SQL queries which would slow everything down to a crawl, amounting to an easy DoS hole. A third-party popular forum package gets used much more, and if someone from one forum discovers a vuln, everyone else can get the patch. Further, you haven't tried to prove your point of view on this subject, just to say "what I say still stands true".




    All you did was reinforce what I say. Integrating 3rd party stuff into your own systems is usually difficult, unless they are designed with that in mind. phpBB (and probably IPB - I haven't used it) don't really fulfill that.


    (Agreed) This still doesn't change the fact that Tip.it could make old links work with mod_rewrite, however.




    As a simple example, creating a phpBB user account is a bit messy outside of phpBB itself. In system designed with integration in mind, there would be an Account class with simple methods for adding, banning and deleting users, among other functions. It should be one line of code to add an account, by default. Neither phpBB (and I highly doubt IPB either) fulfill that.


    (Not enough knowledge in this area) See the code posted in Pure_MageUK's response.




    Type-based Hungarian notation has been hated for a long time now. Most people will intelligently discourage its use.


    Bad interpretation on your part. In my reply, $numTopics is not $iTopics, $topicID is not $iTopicID, $userMessage is not $strUserMessage, $sUserMessage, or even the messy C-style lpszUserMessage. If you read carefully, I encourage active use of disambiguating affixes for data elements that say what the data is. $topic may be an ID, a string containing the topic's title or contents, but $topicID is clear and concise. It does not have the datatype in the name.




    If it's junk, why do so many people use it? It being junk is my personal opinion - I like strongly-typed languages because they leave a 0% chance of unintended incompatible type conversion.


    And logic errors occur in any language. PHP has the dot operator and the plus operator, for concisely conveying whether you want to always concatenate strings ("2" . "2" === "22") or to add things -- whatever type they have -- ("2" + "2" === 4). Java is a strongly-typed language but it has really bad semantics with its plus operator to make strings, especially for char variables:


    "a" + 'a' == 'a' + "a" == "aa" (expected)
    'a' + 'a' == 194 (unintuitive)
    "2" + "2" + "2" + "2" == "2222"
    "2" + "2" + 2 + 2 == "2222" (unintuitive)
    2 + 2 + "2" + "2" == "422" (unintuitive and inconsistent with above)


    PHP has:


    "a" + 'a' === 'a' + "a" === 'a' . 'a' === NULL (cannot add 'a', not a number)
    "a" . 'a' === 'a' . "a" === 'a' . 'a' === "aa" (concatenation)
    "2" + "2" + "2" + "2" === 8 (addition)
    "2" . "2" . "2" . "2" === "2222" (concatenation)


    and all the 2 + "2" and 2 . "2" follow with the pure string versions. It's really easy to have unintended or unintuitive string conversion in Java, which is a strongly-typed language. You may argue that I should have used "2" + "2" + (2 + 2) in my Java code to form "224", but it's still not that great.




    Plus, interpreted languages are slower.


    Java, CIL and PHP are all interpreted languages. Java and CIL just start with bytecode, with PHP starting with the script. Zend over PHP is fine.




    And Linq-to-SQL in C# is a gift from the Great Computer (our equivalent of God).


    (Gives no meaningful information, appeal to belief)




    Removing the title redirects to the index. See? That is bad. As I said, titles should be semantic only.


    File a feature enhancement request with the Invision guys, it's not worth talking about here on TiF. I have no experience with recent Invision software, but if it's as configurable as phpBB is, it should have an option to accept non-SEO links already. It looks like both of us haven't used recent Invision Power Board though, so can we please stop arguing technical merits?




    side note: lol @ Pure_MageUK saying just "Thanks." to "Tip.It's programmers do not have the skills for such a task"

  11. IPB is no better than phpBB.


    Debatable. For most users, there will be relatively little difference between both, just where profile options and sig options are and stuff like that. For administrators, phpBB and Invision both have features that the other doesn't, such as Invision's new separation of admin privileges (some can be restricted to the themes interface, some can get full admin privileges, etc.) But both are as easy to install, as easy to administrate, as easy to add MODs to... That's all that counts.




    If you want good forum software, you write your own.


    If you want good forum software, you use something with a good policy regarding patches and a security-conscious programming team. You don't want your forum to get hacked by some noob who thinks he's cool because he can URL hack his way into &action=delete for all threads... and you mistakenly only hid the &action=delete button from forum threads, and didn't bother to check for permissions in the delete script. While I don't think Tip.it's web staff is that bad at security, they're just too few people to provide the needed code oversight. phpBB and Invision, on the other hand, have dealt with these security issues and provide patches quite frequently. Now would you say that using phpBB or Invision is that bad?




    3rd party stuff is too difficult to integrate into existing systems. Selling software based on a database that wasn't designed by the organization using it generally tends not to work very well.


    Tip.it Forums and Tip.it are pretty much completely separate, except for Tip.it Times article and discussion links (which link into the forum) and Community Events, RuneScape News and all that stuff from the front page. The only thing for Tip.it to do, as I see it, is to change the links to point to the new URLs. Hell, they could make /viewtopic.php?p=123456 still work with some mod_rewrite magic.




    Also, IPB is written in PHP just like phpBB, so it's still junk. Weak-typed languages are an invitation for trouble in advanced systems.


    If PHP is junk, why do so many Web sites use it? (Many of these sites are even phpBB and Invision forums! Also includes Wordpress, which is written in PHP.)


    Good naming conventions for variables can give you some insight into their types without needing to think much. Would you think $numTopics is a string, or an int? What about $userMessage? Cases where you have a variable named $topic can also be disambiguated by using $topicID or $topicTitle. Now, which is a string, and which is an int?




    Also, lollables at friendly URLs. Just append &title=Title-of-your-thread to the end of every URL. The integrated index.php?/topic/xxx_Title-blah-blurgh/ looks pretty stupid compared to index.php?id=xxx&title=Title-blah-blurgh It's only for looks anyways, the title should not even be read by the software.


    I believe you're horribly misled here; I think you're thinking of Wordpress and its long SEO links, such as /blog/2009/09/03/how-to-make-money-in-runescape-12345/, which does not have anything to do with either phpBB or Invision.




    Recent Invision software has links like /topic/123456/, where 123456 is the Topic ID, or /topic/123456/2/ where 2 is the page you want.


    edit: After seeing a link to a thread from an Invision Power Board forum, which seems to use slightly different software than what I'm used to, they do have the title in them, and trying to remove the title from the URL makes the forum go back to the Index. Myyyy bad! Though the title itself is indeed not used by the software, you could just as easily go to /topic/123456-X and it'll stil give you the right thread.

  12. I'll have to agree, and add another set of random events...




    When I train at ice giants -- or in members, fire giants; same thing --, and get a Leo the Grave Digger random event, a Prison Pete, a Mysterious Maze or a Mime, the NPCs I fought become aggressive. And since I dislike ice warriors due to them not dropping big bones -- their other drops are also not really worth it, rarely alchable --, I hate it when a random event makes them aggressive again, ruining my streak of ice giants. At fire giants, I would be ranging, and them becoming aggressive would complicate things when I pick up the drops or switch to another fire giant for combat.

  13. As we read the earlier posts from Jagex staff regarding real-world trading, we knew that more was coming. But not to this extent.




    I can see from here the smug expression on the faces of Jagex staff members when they finally put the metaphorical stake right into the heart of real-world traders. "First the Duel Arena, next the Party Room, etc., then BAM! We'd like to see you trade in the real world after this! Haha!" Unfortunately, they also put the metaphorical stake into many ancillary activities of RuneScape that made it fun, and by extension, the game of RuneScape itself.




    I'm thinking of

    • [*:kiy5uysb]Giving items as gifts. Whether undesired (by surprise) or desired (giving a diamond ring as a special item in a wedding!), big (Saradomin trimmed rune armor :)) or small (a fire battlestaff).
      [*:kiy5uysb]Borrowing items from, or lending items to, trusted friends.
      [*:kiy5uysb]Giving items to newcomers: a reasonable amount of runes and full iron armor, for instance. (I got given this as a newbie, by the person who introduced me to RuneScape.)
      [*:kiy5uysb]Rune crafters who trade to get essence for laws or natures 1:1 will be affected by this. Their trades will be unbalanced about threefold. In the case of chaos and cosmic rune running, due to their altar configurations exceeding the 20-step limit for the Assist System, this can't be done without a great deal of trust trading, which will be gone. Law and nature running will be dead as well.
      [*:kiy5uysb]Selling items with "friend discounts", common practice.
      [*:kiy5uysb]Selling items at very low prices to get rid of them.





    I say that the chaotic nature of player killing, and the mad dropping and looting, are part of what made the Wilderness fun. You had to expect chaos. Now, with PK zones inside the Wilderness and organised clan wars that are safe, it's... bland.




    Many people say that this is the beginning of the end for RuneScape;


    1. [*:kiy5uysb]Do you believe in them?
      [*:kiy5uysb]and mostly, Do you believe that real-world trading will be gone forever after this move? There can still be account sales going on; accounts with items that are transferred along with them, in their banks.


    We are ranting at Jagex, in fact so much that we've brought down the servers that provide the RuneScape forums earlier today (they're now back up, but already 50 pages in Rants are full of posts about that update, flooding the Forum Moderators)... and are bringing up the load on the Tip.it forums to unacceptable levels. There is something worth a sticky for one day of updates.




    cynthia@greenclover ~$ telnet [Please Use QuickFind Code].com 80
    GET / HTTP/1.1
    Host: [Please Use QuickFind Code].com
    User-Agent: Telnet
    (30 seconds later) Connection closed by foreign host.


    Powered by phpBB ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâé 2001, 2005 phpBB Group




    Page Generation Time: 98.89606 seconds, SQL queries : 10


    This is not just about PKing. Get this out of your minds.

  14. Luckeedog101, please explain to me the dire need to teach me a life lesson? I dont mind fighting against the odds and I dont mind fihgting hypocritical people.




    Alright, I was wrong to assume that I quoted the correct person, I fail at supreme use of forums skill...




    Why dont instead of passing judgement and speaking high and mighty you just say what you mean to say and not hide behind words?


    We hate you, mkay? You and your need to bring up other threads unrelated to the argument at hand. You and your need to bring up earlier argumentation (Qeltar) when it would be done otherwise. You and your hypocrisy; we're not arguing over a game at this point, we're arguing over YOU and YOUR argumentation methods. We're arguing about your narrow-minded point of view, which precludes anything other than merchanting. We're talking about you craving attention.




    Now you can't say I haven't been honest. But I can't say I'll be here tomorrow, since I may get banned for speaking my mind in one post but you spoke your mind ever so subtly, hiding behind words, for twenty-five pages.




    addendum: As for the "supreme forum skills", there is an edit button, and you can edit your post with the correct quote, say "my mistake, I'm correcting it" and continue with the thread's topic.

  15. Actually, Yet again your ignorance doesnt allow you to learn from your mistakes. If 5-6 people are attacking you, thats a hint of you doing something wrong.




    "Only a select few can get a party hat, so I am better then people who achieve skillcapes'', thats a rough translation to you.




    I suggest you take critism, take your time to learn from your posts. Like most of the people around here. We are not your enemy's, we are not the dark side, we don't care about your feelings, your items, your intelligence or your real life. Just about your replies, so I suggest you stop trying to defend yourself and just take it like a man, instead of b*ing about like a child.




    I applaud to you if you read past the ignorance part. Since you would already be offended by that.







    Take a party hat out of your avatar before you attempt to argue your point, might give it more validity.





    That response was directed to Dragonlordjl, he was complaining about "burger king hats" yet has one as his avatar, whoala.


    You quoted only Dharockslayer in your reply therefore it is reasonably assumed to be aimed at Dharockslayer. Use "Dragonlordjl: Take a party hat out (...)" if you want to reply to another person in the same post.

  16. This world , real and game, revolves around people taking advantage of each other. To some extent, EVERYONE is making a profit off of somebody. Only question is through which means and to what extent.


    That is true, and very sad actually. Even more so in real life.


    Why didnt you post rest of the quote where he goes on to call me a vulture where I was simply expressing my just concern over the implementation of GE.
    ego_scorpion: For one, we don't even know how the Grand Exchange will work, it has not been released yet.


    Calm down <.< There will still be people who sell things for lower prices than what you're used to seeing, just because e.g. they want the cash from selling the item faster (i.e. they have to buy rune sets quickly for a PK trip or whatever, so they'll sell their Guthan's for 100k less).




    addendum: How I think the GE will be implemented is that the seller puts up an item and sets its price, then a random buyer sees the item and decides to buy it. If you end up being the buyer -and- the item you just bought looks underpriced to you, you can still buy it and put it up again at a higher price, making your "knowledge of prices" still useful, too.

  17. As for my attitude, it was delibarate and towards qeltars blind hatred for merchanting and provoked by his insult towards me.


    And how do I know that this attitude won't be projected onto me if I say my opinion? Seeing you attack Qeltar like this for calling out your strategy concerning arbitrage makes me unsure:


    I responded:


    Good thing for who? maybe if you dont know prices thats a good thing for you, I know them and I use my knowledge and effort to make $, its not a good thing for me.




    He wrote:


    I believe there's a clear distinction between merchants who get paid to provide a service, and those who merely take advantage of others, or the inability of the current system to let buyers and sellers find each other.


    Hmm. You know your prices, so you use your knowledge to make GP. How can you "use" that knowledge other than at the expense of the fellow who doesn't know his/her prices? That would make you what you yourself hate, ego_scorpion, someone who takes advantage of others.




    I don't follow you at all.

  18. Hey there holiday. You may have gotten here from a spam board, but this isn't one.




    ego_scorpion: For one, we don't even know how the Grand Exchange will work, it has not been released yet. For two, your attitude has put me off from posting my opinion in here.




    And, for three, this "untimely deletion" of one of your posts should make you realise it was flame bait, and that you should start discussing in this thread, not trying to win. This is RuneScape you're trying to win an argument for, after all, and Jagex can change the game mechanics as they please.




    If you really want to win, you should play a linear console game like Final Fantasy. You can win those. RuneScape is a never-ending game; you cannot win it.

  19. @aaron1120: The posters of this thread are not harassing or flaming this user, rather asking for information. This is a Rate This, we have nothing to rate. It's rather obvious when you think about it.




    @OP: This is a Rate This, we have nothing to rate. Add some information or take another picture without your squiggles and start another thread, then ask a mod to lock/delete this one. Until then, well, I don't have any other rating than "/10",


    [hide]my rating is hidden so I don't get hacked[/hide] and other such nonsense.

  20. [x] Became a Member






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    [ ] Fight Caves Completed


    [ ] 4000 Chompy kills


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    [ ] Any Void Knight Piece of Clothing/Guthix Mace


    [ ] Gold Castle Wars Armor Piece


    [x] Robin Hood Hat from Treasure Trails


    [ ] Manta Ray from Trawler


    [ ] Sea Turtle from Trawler


    [ ] Maximum Mage Training Arena Points [Orangish Hat]


    [x] Completed Stronghold of Security


    [ ] Won a game of Fight Pits with 20+ people


    [ ] Bones to Peaches Unlocked


    [ ] Completed Mage Arena with at least one god spell






    [x] Mining Guild Access


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    [x] Rune Defender


    [ ] Perfect Score in Rangers Guild Minigame




    Monster Drops


    [ ] Dragon Chain from Kalphite Queen/Dust Devils


    [ ] D2H from Chaos Elemental


    [ ] Dragon Axe from Dagganoth Kings


    [ ] Warrior Ring from Dagganoth Rex


    [ ] Beserker Ring from Dagganoth Rex


    [ ] Mud staff from Dagganoth Prime


    [ ] Seers Ring from Dagganoth Prime


    [ ] Seercull from Dagganoth Supreme


    [ ] Archers Ring from Dagganoth Supreme


    [x] Dragon Shield Left Half Drop


    [ ] Abyssal Whip Drop from Abyssal Demons


    [ ] Dragon Legs/Skirt from Metal Dragons




    Games Room


    [ ] 1500+ Rating in Runelink


    [ ] 1500+ Rating in Draughts


    [ ] 1500+ Rating in Runeversi


    [ ] 1500+ Rating in Runesquares




    Player-Owned Houses


    [x] Sat on a demonic throne


    [ ] Got trapped in a Greater Magic Cage


    [ ] Used a Scrying Pool


    [ ] Mounted Fish from fishing


    [ ] Mounted Head from any monster






    [x] Seen a Jagex Mod


    [x] Became A Player Moderator


    [ ] Been muted by a player mod




    Random Events


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    [ ] Any Bird Egg




    Skill Related


    [ ] Top 10k in every skill


    [x] 100+ Combat


    [ ] 126 Combat


    [ ] 200m xp in a skill


    [ ] 99 in one skill




    Seasonal Items, Retired or not


    [ ] Own/Owned a Party Hat


    [ ] Own a Scythe


    [x] Own a Rubber Chicken


    [x] Own a Yo-yo






    [x] Unlocked Dragonstone Chest in Taverly


    [ ] 180k Crystal Bows


    [ ] Burned a Fiyr Shade


    [ ] Obtained a Wiley/Lazy Cat


    [ ] Finished the Lava Maze


    [ ] White Knight Master [1600 kills]


    [x] Obtained Skull Sceptre


    [ ] Own a pair of bunny ears


    [ ] Every Monkey Greegree


    [ ] 2.1B cash


    [ ] Own all three completed prayer books


    [ ] All Musics Unlocked


    [ ] All Emotes Unlocked

  21. Agreeing with Paw_Claw, but for some other reasons as well:




    It would be very bad business sense to promote interaction within a game, then have it cut off at a random time for a forced break.




    It would also be frustrating for a player doing a fight cave run or similar activity to have to switch equipment around very quickly after such a forced break. [unless Jagex planned for this and made a little exception for the fight caves, allowing you to complete your wave before the break <.<]




    Those two things combined, dealing with many people and trying to get a fire cape, could get some hardcore players to quit from annoyance. But there's always consoles; they don't restrict your playing time ;)

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