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Posts posted by ssjshadi

  1. Heh... I remember back in 2003 when I first started playing. I had everything that I owned on me and was wondering around Arsingarna (cant spell XP) and a rat came up and killed me :(






    And when I got my Black Longsword helping someone with Earnest Chicken quest (I used tip.it guide lol) I was so happy, I thought I got the coolest weapon in the game




    I saw a party hat's at the general store in rsc. Didn't bother buying them, thought they were worthless....


    if burnt bones arent useless...




    *looks through bank*




    aha! empty cups(tea drank out of)


    Weren't the empty cups once used for holding tea? It's true you can't re-use them, but what would RuneScape be like if there was no means to hold our tea (tea cups). Chaotic *nods head in a trancelike mannner*




    gah true enough, hmm




    normal staff is pretty useless but not 100% i geuss....umm aa skull! if they still exsist?




    Skulls are used in construction so that arent that useless

  3. These past two weeks Ive been seeing a weird pattern with my randoms. In the past month all i got were 2 mimes, 3 drill demons (these both I have never gotten until now, and I have been playing for 5 years). Ive also got a bunch of myst. old man, boxes, quizs, and exams.




    But in the past years I barely gotten any randoms.

  4. yeah, I know what you mean.




    I just meet a guy who is about my age who was trying to start a clan and i had a great time talking to him. Now we are good friends and joined his old clan.




    I wish we had more 'mature' players on rs to talk to. Well we got tipitchat to use (at least some of them are muture)

  5. I do my homework when i get home from school (4:40). But if I have a project i do it on the weekends, usually at a friends house. But then there are sometimes when i dont do my homework. Bit still i am an above average student and in all gifted calsses!

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