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Posts posted by DaddyTom

  1. First of all I would just like to say that it was GREAT seeing the interview, perhaps we can get some of the other members on the list like N0valyfe, The Old Night, etc... in the future.




    Some "...would have been great to have seen answered" questions I had




    "In all of the Runescape world area's, is there any that are a favorite for you?"




    "Do you have a favored combat skill?"




    "Any particularly favorite weapon/spell/armor that you like over the others?"




    All in all it was a great interview and while I would love to hear the answers to the above questions, I would also be interetested in seeing some of the others on the top ranked list interviewed. In particular any that might have skill leveling tips that they like in RS2.




    Anyway, thanks for getting this interview, I know it must have been quite a feat to make it happen. You should get extra QUEST points for this one.

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