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Posts posted by devle

  1. ok i dont know if this is true. but i have heard about something called "last chance" that jagex does to people with perm mutes /bans where u appeal to them and if u have had like 2-3 months of amazing behavior that they will give u a chance to be unmuted. a p mod was the one who imformed me but i still have not been able to find anything

  2. i find that if u copy and paste a image of the peice of armor u ar trying to recreate u can then see where u need to shade and with what shades of what color. for example if u are making a rune full helm find an image of one on a website and make a new color for every color on the helm .

  3. i got perm muted for saying "jesus christ noobs leave me alone...god im like noob heroen they seem to be addicted to trading me" i thought it was kinda funny jagex didnt lol.i went from 4.0 black marks to 10 from that i think thats a little harsh...i mean if they didnt want me to use "jesus christ" or "heroen" they should ban the words....cause i see nothing wrong with saying either

  4. Sorry but I show no respect to bounty hunters. Have fun.




    3/10 at minium, bounty hunt doesnt take skill, it takes multi 1 hits from teams and if you can't ko on first hit, you lose loot.






    Well there is no pking left at at least hes not a 1 itemer




    think before you post nub




    OT:some nice kills there, keep up the good work


    and dont flame peopel for stating their opinions on a minigame that is a mediocre and nooby version of what pking used to be ummm what was the word u used again? oh yeah! nub...

  5. dang so the combat will be what 138? or can u get higher than the picture :o


    either way its 100% going to be members




    idk...they have never restricted how high a f2per can get in conparason to a p2p maybe it will be for both but only certain monsters can be summoned in f2p

  6. i know from personal experience what happens as u reach 99 in a skill, u are seriously happy for maybe a day maybe 2 and then boom u are off on another skilling advanture,the actual acheivemnt of 99 in a skill is a great feelign cause then u have achieved something only a few people might have done,no one will be better then u in that skill they can only be the same (unless u count xp but level wise u are there equal). the journy to a 99 skill is the fun of the game,




    btw my current goals are probly


    75 rc 68 now


    99 def 88 now


    99 hp 97 now


    80 smithing 73 now


    85 mining 77 now


    94 magic 82 now


    86 cons 71 now




    not really a goal but


    to successfuly appeal my permante mute

  7. noob nowadays is used to describe just about everyone...for christ sake peopel call zezima a noob umm last time i looked...he was the best player in the game surely he isnt a noob.




    i get called a noob on my character... he is a level 114 mind u these arnt peopel better then me no these are level 90's 78's ect point is people use the word noob to try and get a rise out of you...i personaly use noob in that way and i use newb to describe a new player to the game


    When you offerbad trades they call you a NOOB



    If you offer bad trades you ARE a noob.


    no, if you offer a bad trade, you probobly have A LIFE, unlike some people who are 100+ combat, and do nothing but play runescape "but, but, i have a girlfriend" some high levels try to say, "I get outside" yeah, to get in your mom's car to go to school, or in other cases, to get in your moms car to go to work! But you are probobly a guy who thinks everybody who is a level is a noob, i would rather be a noob, than a huge fat nerd who lives in my moms basement... I wouldn't consider my self a noob, but I know 123yourgone is about to call me a noob for talking on and on about his thoughts, but I think that everybody who walks around calling low levels noobs, needs to get a life, or something like that... 123yourgone, i know your thinking you could own me, or you could beat me, or other stuff like that, but i dont care. well if you think that people who dont know prices are noobs, than you need a life. if all you do is memorize prices all day, than your a real life noob, your probobly a 400 pound, 16 your old, kid who is whiter than sour cream... I know your gonna reply to this, so let me say something, you think your big, and strong having 90+ attack, and other stats like that, but your not, you have a life, a runescape life, no other life.....




    level 114 u got a problem ...i am a level 114 and guess what belive it or not devle has a life outside runescap =[]!!!! so before u start talking trash make sure u know what u are talking about first ok?

  9. "panic and trhe heart of the huanted woods








    beware of double agents








    have no items equi[ped when u do it"












    where exactly where do i need to do this emote =(








    im in the huanted woods right now i have emoted everywhere

  10. Well I mostly agree with the article, but not completely, if this were an adult game i would wholeheartedly agree with editor but think about this, most of this beggars don't pretend to offend or bother or anything, they're simply young kids, guys from 8 to 12 who just know one way to get things in life, ask for them to parents or relatives ... if you would see them in real life you would all probably feel not so tempted to get angry








    That of course doesn't mean you have to feel pity and give them anything, life is hard, the earlier they learn it the easier they'll accept it :mrgreen:








    amen brother!




    when i was 10 i asked my mother for a gameboy...she made me do so much house work that by the time i actually got it my hands hurt so bad i couldnt play it for a week =) i <3 my mommy =X *boy that sounded childish =\

  11. its exactly what i tell people all the time... too many people opn this game act as if every level 100+ didnt start out exactly where they are now... darn it we worked hard for everything we have and everything we have lost and i sware nothing gets my blood boiling like someone typeing "105 freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stufffffffffffffffffffffffffff plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" i sware it makes me really wish there wasnt a level restriction to the wilderness cause i would take them right out.... the excuse "i have been hacked i need anything please" doesnt work ether, i have been hacked... a few times actually and never once did i even think about begging for money...i grabed my trusty pickaxe and when mining coal/iron/anything... now... that doesnt mean i dont belive in charaty. i occasionaly see a fellow runescaper working hard, be it fishing, mining, killing monsters, i go over and talk with them see what they really want normaly its like "im saving up for a rune schimmy, im halfway there i have 15k saved up" so i may just accedently drop a runeschimmy on the ground right next to them =D it brightens there day ans they remember it down the line when they see someone doing exactly when they were doing back then. thats my 2 1/2 cents =\

  12. LOL.. i dont call ppl noob, noob are ppl that had been playing that game for long time but still doesn't know anything.. thats noob..


    if ur a new player.. i call them newbie..


    wel, i dont call ppl noob..




    I went on to a f2p world to meet a friend i wanted to show him my new dragan pl8 legs and med,and zammy pl8. i have a lv 45 call me a noob and i just say w/e and he follows me literaly for about 40 minetes calling me a noob i was like... ok your lv 45 wearinf full iron and im the noob, he then says he has a lv 128 main (lmao) i ask him the name and nateraly he says zezima....

  13. I did that quest ages ago but I would assume that it means the weeds that you rake off unplanted farming spots. 90% chance that the spirit tree spot west of draynor needs a good raking. :wink:






    ofcourse u would be correct i just did the quest like 2 weeks ago dont judge me....

  14. this is too all the people telling him he wont make it cuz it will take so long.


    whats ur mining lvl and how long did it take u to get there?


    lets say u have 73 ming(1 mil xp to round it out)


    that takes a good time to get there bout maybe a couple months if ur hard on it.


    now multiply 2-3 months by 13


    comes out to be about 26-39 months (2-3 years)


    pretty hard to get mining to 99 in 1 year so it takes a while and ess is the easiest to get and has closest bank places than iron

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