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Posts posted by bigboyscoop1

  1. hmm how do i feel about mod andy....the creater of runescape...hmmm




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    The username Teh God Wars is currently available. To sign up to an account you must agree to our Terms and Conditions




    The username Yummy Thongs is currently available. To sign up to an account you must agree to our Terms and Conditions (i made this 1 an actual account lol)




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  2. Hey my name is bigboyscoop.




    For the past 2 months i have been writing appeals for friends. And 99% of them work!!!!




    So im here to offer you appeals =) So if you have been banned and on that last chance. Pm me and i will send you an appeal which will be successfull!!




    I do this to help people out and i do not charge. Although if you get unbanned/un-muted or even get any other form of appeal accepted, i will be willing to take donations IF you feel that is right!!




    Thanks alot and goodluck!!




    Note: If this is against the rules, pleace lock =) I hope its not as im trying to help people out :ohnoes:




    Thanks again




    Bigboyscoop \'

  3. I quit because runescape is taking up to much time...and tbh its getting boring... Jagex keep adding crap updates and tbh, where are the updates we want, not the crappy 1's we dont want :x




    Well anyways like i said, gf jagex =P




    Gl in all you'r rs lifes...don't forget to obey the rules....or jagex will eat u...just like a cabbage






    Bigboyscoop O:)

  4. Good Luck barrowing. If you have any luck you'll be rich pretty quickly. :twisted:












    PS: if you ever need a partner to barrow pm me.








    ty \' a barrows pure is also:




    70 att




    80 str




    70 def




    82 mage








    Barrows pure being like a normal pure but with better stats lol. Pure staker, pker kinda thing. but i will be doing barrows!!








    Cya around!

  5. Welcome%20To%20My%20Blog!!!.png












    1) Introduction




    2) Starting Stats And Current Stats




    3) Goals




    4) Level Ups




    5) Random Pictures




    6) Pk's And Stakes




    7) Friends Blogs




    8) Donations (If any :? )












    Hey my name is pure_himmler. Some people may remember bigboyscoop, well he has been perm.banned (all my fault). The short story is i was in varrock bank alching and i said (highlight white space to see the word) bolax and if you dont know what that means, it is male testicles and is offensive language. I thought it would come out in stars but it didnt and some little noob reported me. I already had 9 black marks so i got perm.banned.




    But now i have pure_himmler! And he is ownage!!! Well please post on my blog and help me take over runescape,1 noob at a time!!!








    Starting Stats And Current Stats:




    Starting Stats:








    Current Stats:








    It says that im 76 combat because i have 60 str. Although i am actually 86 :XD:
















    Strength to 80, will post image when strength goes in highscores :ohnoes:




























































    Level Ups:



















    Random Pictures:








    Pk's & Stakes:



















    Friends Blogs:




    Giarcnosam's Blog!




    Bballchamp23's Blog!
















    Well Keep posting and enjoy my blog!!!








    ~Pure Himmler~

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