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Posts posted by Cjhack

  1. ok can some1 plz tell me how to make a sig. i really wanna know how, they seem cool and ill look cool when i have 1 :D any help would be appretated, i spelled it wrong but who cares, thx.

  2. Are you stupid? maging someone with no runes is nothing better than pulling 200k off that full rune trade you had in the last sec.




    GOD. Why is tip it full of so many idiots who have their interests set on defending Jagex? On one hand Jagex is banning people for having their name as "X neg D", on the other they are letting scammers run free with money they do not deserve.


    the only reason so many stupid people are on tip.it (take you for example) are that they think they know every lttle thing about runescape.


    Also i123i is right if u keep reporting people for things you think are wrong and really are allowed, you will get baned for abousing the system

  3. abyssal i disagree with you for some reasons,1 being able to sneak around doesn't have to so anything with how fast or how long you could run or ur energy go up since thats what agility is.2 after re-reading the posts i see that there are a few good sugestions such as hiding ur dot on the mini-map really good for wildy but you would have to be a distance intill they see you but putting it into pray wouldn't work really well because there would be no distinguishing on if u could or couldn't see them and it would be wierd also. For instance u go to a world like 78, a lot of high lvls there and theres no white dots on your map but all u can see are buildings guards dyin 1 hit and big fyling cloaks, the pray symbol for stealth. all in all stealth would have to be a sperate skill simply beacause ever1 could stealth the same which means every1 can be detected just as easy which would get some veteran players mad, i know i would.

  4. i remeber my freind telling me once that he kept getting the genie while mining with his saph ring on, this was f2p not p2p, like 2 or 3 times a day, he might just be lucky or he may be on to something either way keep doin wutcha doin.






    P.S. i can't get onto runescape i think its just a minor error but there was a connection error try again in 1 minute so thats why im posting some many posts today at forums, fare thee well tip.it staff admins freator and ppl like me, astalgaga.

  5. i say stealth would be like a slayer skill. go to a trainer he gives you an NPC u must assinate by using stealth with comabt to deafeat, a leader npc to u must kill his/her guards to get to. then after ur task is completed u will gain exp. And there should be a quest and weapons to start and use this skill. but members only, wouldnt work in free world, its to small

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