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Posts posted by Kajuah

  1. Here's two that I thought of from playing rsc so many years ago:


    Did you know?




    ...That in RSC wilderness you could shoot arrows at a person outside the dark warrior castle (lvl 13 wildy castle) from the inside providing you were stood right up to the window-slit in the side of the castle?




    ...That in RSC there was a makeover-mage bug that allowed you to get a beard as a lady and walk around with a developed female chest??





  2. A lot of people complain about how bad the chat filter is -Why not reserve a couple of servers or even 10 for MATURE PLAYERS ("Upon playing on this server you agree that you are 18+ or have the permission of your parent/guardian to play on"). Now this would mean that there would be NO chat filter. It wouldn't matter if you were 18 or not, but you would have to AGREE TO BE 18+ to use this server.




    It would have an option to turn off the annoying chat filter or have no chat filter in general.




    Also, it would enforce the amount of people of mature age (18+). For the love of god, i cannot even understand it when some people speak anymore on runescape;




    Actual convo;




    Me: "Selling obby cape-280k!"


    person: *trades*


    me: *goes into trade screen*


    person: I put up moony, u giv me cap


    me: What?


    person: More mony gets mor cap


    me: Sorry???


    person: MORE MONY U NOOBIE!!!11111


    me: I dont understand...280k for the cape? Do you have the money?


    person: **** u nublet!111 giv me cap 4 mor mon!111








    To this day i have no idea what he was trying to communicate. Anyway. the point is; I want a runescape WITH a hospitable hand for MATURE PLAYERS! Other games like Guildwars and Avalon and Seige6 and even Homeworld 2 have abundant mature player populations. Why shouldn't runescape help accomadate a more mature aduience just as they do for the younger ones?

  3. When you turn 18 and go off and start living life...




    RS fades into a waste memory of your adolscence.




    Then the depression kicks in because you wish you spent your years from 10-18 XD not livin in virutal reality...




    This may sound like a flame but I DID IT SO SAVE YOURSELVES!!! AHHHHH!!! *eats pills*

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