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Posts posted by Eddo89

  1. Heh, for the first article, I guess that is why I always read up in everything before I do it in RS, so I won't be a noob when I actually do it. Sometimes the quest to be knowledgable is as time consuming as playing the game itself.


    As for the second article, iI think it is the forever problem of updates. Who do we cater for, the high levels, or the mid levels or the lower levels. And who is really "right"? Now I don't actually look into the whole scheme of updates, if there are changes, I adjust accordingly plus a few private curses if is not what I wanted. But here is the thing, who are you to claim that it is " absolutely no" when it comes to catering to high levels, do Jagex really have an obligation to cater for high levels over others? High level players paid more fees, but you pay the same amount. I will also question the mentality of high level players in regards to updates, are they opposing it because it is a "bad update", or it simply removes their comfort zone in a certain respect. I know as a high level smither is enraged at the amount of freebie XP given out, but that doesn't mean my game experience should apply for everyone else. So I don't think, even in an editorial, one should give a generalised statement without more evidence. I just don't like the way the article was toned in respect to that.


    I really don't think the lack of BTS is driving up hype. Is one thing knowing that you had won a mystery prize that you know is something big and valuable, is another to buy lotto. BTS gives concrete hype to what it is and thus imagination run wild but will not stray from area which Jagex hinted at. While people who fantasies random wild ideas is simply day dreaming of that lotto win, or the new content. Of course, I really don't see people imagining game contents as bad (as opposed to dreaming of a lotto win) as it is a game after all. Is it really a fault of Jagex when people dream of a lotto win when they don't actually tell you what is coming up? Hardly.


    And consistency doesn't exist in RS to begin with. There is no consistency in amount of people who have high level in cooking when compared to smithing, both foundation skills of the game and F2p access. I think it really is grasping at straws when you are questioning consistency of rankings of mini-games. I really think you could had made a better example, even if it related to the point of castle war above.

  2. Unrelated to the ongoing conversation....but just have to rant.


    -People who take all the coins (common)

    To make it worse, people also take all the keys, all the coins, busy smithing and runecrafting while the next door is locked by a key that they held. Which is right next to the anvils.



    What really gets me is that they will go far as picking up coins mid battle, just annoys the hell out of me. I had to sell my fish to get coins for a hammer as after the first room there wasn't any serious loot and we need to fix a door to continue because the guy who took everything was already busy doing unimportant things.



    I like dungeoneering, I like levelling it up right now because at my low level it feels quick and rewarding. It is nice to guide someone who isn't as adept at the game in general through the game. I like that there is constant change of pace. I like the skill, but it will be better if people just be a little considerate and maybe leave a pile or two coins behind for someone else to take and use some team work, then it is a nice skiill/mini-game.

  3. Yes.


    Make give the boss an attack that instantly kills you if there isn't more than 1 person targeting him. Question is, will they? And when they do, would it be unsoloable because they altered the mechanics big enough so there is no hope on earth at all or will it be a boss that is feasible but unrealistic for reasons not due to brute force? Unsoloable due to indirect causes.


    There is a million of ways of doing it. But it really is only successful if it did not involve cheap tricks that literally demands more than 1 player. And I don't think they will do that, they will want to cater for the lone wolves amongst their customer base as well. Though Corporeal Beast is one they probably don't envision someone could do it via solo, they certainly did not go out and had steps that deliberately made it impossible.

  4. Some of the people here are not being logical and applying basic concepts. This topic certainly attracted the worse of RS.


    The complaint of 90-99 in WC having little difference is not the problem of randomness, is the problem of lack of additional WC gathering ability.



    And to the person who say you should win EVERY rock that you mine against lower level miner? Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Selfish and arrogant is also ways to describe you. But looking at it objectively, mining basically works by a randomness where every hit have a chance of landing an ore. So if you eliminate randomness, then you basically get a set amount of hits before you mine the rock. Which in that case, then might as well do it for fishing and WC as well, eliminate all randomness in resource gathering. But then, what is the benefit of an additional level as well?


    And for the most part, of a level 80 mining is beating you as a 95 mining while mining iron, probably is YOU or your CONNECTION is too slow. They have their own phase of chance as well, and if they hit the jackpot first, then they sure well SHOULD get the iron as they are faster than you and have the adequate speed. And really, people who complain about thieving or mining or agility....is your viewpoint supported by any evidence that it shows no difference? Sample size? Time of testing? Sorry, unless you could claim by showing evidence that over a period of reasonable amount of time or attempts made, such as 3 hours or 200 attempts, your claim could merely be dismissed as frustration. What surely is happening a short period of frustration made you overlook periods of increased yield. At other times, you are leveling up anyway, and because you gradually increase over each level, there is no noticeable difference between 90 and 99. When you see a long lost friend, they would very well look different because their change was not apparent to you gradually.


    If you want a bigger difference, then your complaint is not about randomness, it is about face value effect as you indirectly came increasing level affects the probabilities.



    One thing people need to realize is that for the most part, getting more levels is simply the altering the odds of the randomness. There is a max hit increase or two along the way, but that is nothing more than adding a couple more sides to a dice that is thrown. RS has to function with a game with a degree of randomness. Otherwise, who is going to bother PKing when you know a level 126 in F2P is always going to beat the crap out of you. Randomness ensures a 120 could beat 126, but more often the 126 will win. Again, trials. You can't claim there is no difference in level because you lost once or twice as a higher level. Otherwise, the game is going to be just about who could grind the longest. And then you have to factor in when same levels met. There is not much skill involved in RS for the most part, certainly not a lot if you are just slugging it out. People who hates randomness and wants it gone completely is playing the wrong game and illogical. Remember, there is a person behind the player.


    The problem is, a person with a certain weapon has a max hit of 40, while you have 60. Even if you have a HP of 99, the other guy with 2 lucky max hit is going to cripple you, while there is the chance of you just barely scratching 14s on him. DDS, D Claw, AGS, these weapons, with luck, can be devastating. The problem of RS PvP is, a lucky hit for the most part, cannot be recovered from. Even if you are 20 combat levels above.




    Bottom line: There is far too less areas where you could apply skill in RS to get rid of randomness. And certainly RS is not just simply about who could grind the longest. Yes, the dice will roll against you, but it is the big picture you need to look at. Not that 1 minute of frustration.

  5. Note: I'm not saying all Void users are bad, just the ones I met. And I'm not so serious either, I just find is partly comical.




    Well, I understand that sometimes, you just have to share. I wouldn't mind that, but the insistent of people to just take more than what they can chew is truly frustrating. But....as always, they are void users.




    Happens in Blue Drags in Ogre dungeon. A guy using Voids come down, there is one for me, one for him. Surprisingly, with my good o d-hide, I was killing at it a much faster rate than him despite him having 5 more levels. Well I didn't say anything, but one time, I was killed 2 drags faster than he did one. He just left it hanging. Then he tried to get mine as it respawned. He got mine next time around, but his respawn before mine did, so I have no idea what is the deal with that guy. Exasperated, I said "My Drag isn't any easier to kill," then he left soon as he killed it.




    Happens in Iron Drag. I'm meleeing them for slayer, there is void guy who would take ages killing one. But also insist on getting my newly re-spawned one. Maybe they are aiming for absolute speed, but voids in Metal Drags? More like absolute slow pace, since the lack of bonus really hinders them.




    Hellhounds as well, Black Demons in Chaos. Anything rangeable, I met them. And I haven't got my spot taken by anyone other than those wearing Voids for like a long time. I tell you, they are like the devil. I just groan when I see them running in, as I know I have to concentrate in making sure they don't get mine.




    Don't happen too much, it just amuse me that is always them and not anyone else wearing something different.

  6. There are less variables with Graahk. I think the rate is 1 minute 15 on average in recordings I did way back, thats including the re-potting of super energy and dueling rings.




    Abyss, you have to factor in where you spawned, which can add to the region of 30 seconds alone. But even a smooth run doesn't really match up.




    @tripsis, how can you judge the speed when you haven't tried one of the methods. :?:

  7. I value form over substance in house designs, if it don't look nice, it ain't worth it. just me. I will never pour money in a good dungeon, I'm just that reluctant to spend....




    I would personally push the Parlour and Skill Hall up northwards, so you can a larger Garden (which I adore). Probably , you shouldn't even use the garden and just leave is blank, it doesn't look too bad that way from personal experiences (i personally found a Garden more ugly than having nothing). Even better, replace the Games Room with the Parlour and just replace the Garden with skill hall, or leave it blank, so you essentially got 3 connected gardens, which makes it look like you have East and West wings.




    The throne room doesn't look majestic, is just part of the house but just seem....unimportant the way you place it. Replace throne room with Workshop and it may look much better.

  8. I always question the speed of coal trucks, even with the additions from Seers. Yes, you essentially are mining coal and put it in a truck which is right next to mining site. But factor in that you still NEED to bank them once back at Seers, and the time it takes to get to and back from the mining site, you probably are looking at a slower rate than mining guild.




    Gold mine is best in Birmhaven, though if you are awfully high level in mining, Arzinian isn't too bad of a mine considering you have less competition and wait for respawn. Not crafter's guild, the ore count there is way too low.




    Runite is wherever thats empty. Heroes is certainly most popular, I found Neitiznot surprisingly full normally. Wildy is a hit or miss. Dark Beast seems to be less populated, but is much more of a hassle to mine.

  9. 2 words: Blast Furnace




    You should be able to get at least 40k an hour, and up towards 50k if you are quite adept at it, this is WITHOUT sacred hammer. I can't remember the rates I get using it, but a hammer uses like 450 bars. Use mithril only. You can earn profits this way as well.

  10. As a general rule, all F2P craftable runes can use rune ess or pure ess, all p2p ones can only use pure ess.




    Which also means, ZMI and combination runes are only craftable using pure ess.

  11. You know when I look at this and I just sigh. :|




    There is graves these days and people hardly die with many items lost, if at all any. I wish death have more meaning than a quick run to death spot, which might be blessed, hence you can your sweet time. I actually want to see items kept on death to zero except with prayer. Some challenge please, some serious scrambling when you die please. Make boss hunts more nervy.




    Alch value is not entirely stupid when opposed to market price. While Alchs might be confounding the actual value of the item, market may not be entirely fair. Say, when D-Claws was cheap in GE value, before they rose. And you had a....say Dragon chain. When you die, Chain would cover. Prices can fluctuate over a course of a boss hunt, while an item may protect another in one instance, it can change in another. While it may save the player a few coins, the item they lost might yet be harder to buy despite lower value.




    Probably though, is one thing they would change. Personally, these improvements is a bow down to player's whine more than improvements....not that I'm complaining too much.

  12. First hand experience I got. If is just an admin, it is easy. Root admin, not so.




    Basically, we wanted to get rid of the root admin. Answer: New forums.




    Templar Guardians, despite being a small close knit clan, used to have 4 leaders. Under special circumstances in the past, the root admin of the forums back then was not the founder of the clan. As time goes by, the root admin grew quite obnoxious and basically jeopardize the forums as such. Fortunately, we had been developing a new forum for a while and we basically switched the clan over when it was completed adequately via mass email and in-game contact.




    Root admin is now founder, who no longer plays RS hence there is less chance of friction. He will still take care of root admin stuff when needed. I found this procss quite satisfactory. Is stuff done behind the back and is not glorious stuff, but sometimes it has to be done. Of course, not every clan develops back up forum. The main thing is to endure, don't aggravate anything or give him any reason to ban/delete or quit.




    Some people suggest clan vote, perhaps work, but perhaps not. One thing is clear, no one will take decision well, and depending how they react may be even more problems. At the heat of the moment, they may do rash things, such as delete the forum. Which is basically the clan gone. You just can't build a website and advertise it to clan members fast enough. Most won't wait or know except the most loyal ones. It depends on the personality, but is a risk best untaken.

  13. limpwurts are good as well as you plant the seed harvest 3 at a time and can sell 2 to make up the price of the seed, leaving a bonus of 1 limpwurt everytime. Not too shabby.




    If you want a bit more xp. But considering Marigold is worth 3k, and each Limp is not even worth 1k each, AND the seed cost consideration, Marigold is better, and you can buy a limp off the GE with the profit if you really want one. But, too many words on small profits...

  14. Yes. It gives a slight boost to agility levels, and it is agility levels alone that determines success rates. Though it is only +3, it isn't going to give a serious boost for extended amount of time.

  15. The hate for Cannon is due to the ability to literally take over a training spot no matter how many people are there.




    For me, is not a matter of how long YOU are there, is the matter of how much longer THEY would be there due to your cannoning. You, essentially, is selfishly making your rate of training faster at the expense of people around you. No matter how "inefficient" you deem their methods to be, you are slowing them down and frustrating their enjoyment. And if you look at it another way, IF they already have a cannon there, you would certainly world hop away as it is pointless to fight over it, so why don't you use the same attitude to those without it?




    True, finding an empty Dags world is sometimes like finding a needle in a haystack. But don't use that sole fact as justification that you don't actually need go and try find one. After all, if you can reduce something that may take an hour to 15-20 minutes, why is it a problem to spend a couple of minutes to look try several worlds and look for an empty or relatively empty one, as opposed to walk in to an already filled-to-the-brim world that some cannon users do.




    But for other tasks, is sheer laziness to just walk in with a cannon and set one up there without even bother searching for a new world if there is a person already there.




    Of course though, you have no need to pay heed to anyone if someone who arrives later. You claimed the spot, hence they should leave if they don't like you here.

  16. Your Clan Name: Templar Guardians


    A link to your clan's banner: http://img285.imageshack.us/img285/4707/tgbannerhr2.jpg


    A link to your clan's website/forums: http://www.tg-forum.org/


    A link to your clan's runehead/memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tg_members


    List of your clan leaders: Eddo89, Lanbo 121, Chisp1210, Battle Ax552


    Your Clan Initials: TG


    Your Clan's Main Focus: Warring, Boss Hunting, Mini-games and a friendly community.

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