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Posts posted by yan_dawg

  1. i usually mine as bunch of iron and a bunch of coal, and then i use the furnace at falador to smelt 9 steel bars per trip, and i run back and forth from the west bank to the furnace. Is this the fastest way to smelt steel bars?(assuming i already have the materials)


    or is there a furnace thats closer to a bank?


    i am f2p

  2. don't worry about it. ive said alot of things i was supposed to get reported for and yet i just have 3 offences. so, even if you do get reported for this one, don't worry you won't get banned. just be more careful next time :wink:

  3. ok, im f2p and my fishing is 66 cooking 67, i usually fish and cook lobbys because when i try swordies too much tuna gets in the way. at wat fishing and cooking lvl do u guys think i should try fishing and cookin swordies? thanx in advance :)

  4. ive noticed that each person is a certain runescape item or person in tip.it according to their posts, they start out as chicken feather, then they become rat meat, and then red spiders' egg, and now i am currently goblin mail. does anyone know how many posts you need for all the different "ranks"?

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