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Posts posted by revanlives

  1. I have one. I posted here a few days ago about me and my boyfriend breaking up. Well, as it turns out, I still have his spare apartment key and need to return it to him eventually. The break-up is still fresh, but on the one hand, he's going to transfer to a different state next semester, which means this could very well be the last time I ever see him in-person, but on the other hand, I almost don't want to see him, even if it brings some closure. I don't know whether I should see him and talk about things, try and get closure, or just not see him at all, even though he'll probably be moving out of my life forever.

  2. Hey everyone,


    I've lurked and read this topic since it began, although I've never really had a relationship issue that I wanted to talk about here. Anyway, earlier this week I broke up with my boyfriend of a little over a year, and it's been pretty tough. Our relationship started out great, then we started getting into fights, becoming more selfish, etc etc.


    This past month became really really awful, and we nearly broke up several times before I finally called it off. We're both in college, but it seems like as time has progressed he became more immature-he began to play video games all the time, and even though we were busier and couldn't see each other as much, he would be on his computer or xbox at all hours. One time I came over on a Sunday, and he played some Xbox live game with his friends for over 5 hours while I just sat there trying to distract myself, as I didn't have my car with and I was too far away from my place to walk back.


    He also became a really big slob, and while I know it was his place his rules, his uncleanliness was really disgusting and it started to affect me. For example, he liked to let the dishes pile up, but when I came over expecting to say have dinner there and whatnot, he would put off doing them so I'd have to wash his dishes for him if I was going to eat anything that night. It happened quite often where I'd have to be picking up after him because he couldn't take care of his place or himself. He also had more disgusting habits which I won't mention here.


    So my question is, what should I do in the meantime? It's tough to lose someone who was like my best friend for so long. Have any of you had really tough breakups that you got over? What did you do?


    Thanks for any advice. :)

  3. The reason why this discussion is still going on is that consistently throughout this thread, Thai, Xpx, and others have used perhaps impossible or at the least difficult to maintain xp rates in their calculations for the time it takes in 200m all skills. Many of the methods assume either high amounts of cash, high levels of grinding, or both (like cave crawlers).


    However, the problem lies in that many of the top players don't even use some of these methods. For example, no one is training agility long term using barb horn-I'm 200m agil xp, got it before barb horn came out but I'd still never use it because it would interrupt training and my concentration to focus on agility alone. This may or may not apply to people who are aiming for 200m in all skills, but I will say that during my time training agility, virtually everyone who took breaks while training agility failed to achieve 200m in it. Most fell short at 30m or less xp. I could name at least 30 people who failed in that way. The ones who are 200m now are mostly people who grinded the skill out and got large chunks of xp at a time before taking breaks and then grinding some more. There is a psychological component for sure involved in long-term skills like agility, where not training other skills and concentrating on agility alone seems to help.


    I find it interesting that some of the efficiency crowd here says that their methods work and top players can implement these methods, and yet many top players have not used many of these methods. For example, in this topic, we've seen Allar say he afk'ed ivy, Paperbag says he can't stand dungeoneering, Zarfot had said before that some of his xp rates might be difficult to maintain long-term, Suomi refuses to merch when learning to do so would help reduce the time necessary, he also last I heard does not have a fire cape or soul wars cape because he can't take the risk involved with getting those, Drumgun has 200m melees with low slay xp and is fishing rocktails right now instead of barb fishing. The funny part about this thread is, despite all of the effort involved in these xp calculators for 200m all skills, the sum total of all these methods does not seem to have applied to current top gainers. It is almost as though you are so caught up in finding the perfect, ideal training methods that you have ignored the human component in 200m all skills, and if people don't choose to do these methods, or get bored/burned out and quit in the process of completing Rs, then all of your "forecasters" on who will be all 200m first will largely miss what will happen. The current "hours to 200m all skills" and other calculators will be inaccurate as a result.

  4. Yeah lol, didn't u know who jebrim was?

    Just read his thread, he posted QFC 2 posts above me, it's a really interesting and nice thread.

    I hope all top 200m agil players get banned and the agil hiscore looks like this:

    1 Jebrim I

    2 Jebrim II

    3 Jebrim III

    4 Jebrim IV

    5 Jebrim V


    Oke maybe not, but would be cool huh!

    The other top agilitizers should totally change their names to Jebrim.


    no thanks

    Hai Revan <3

    ohai jeb<3 planning on changing to revan owns anyday soon?

  5. Yeah lol, didn't u know who jebrim was?

    Just read his thread, he posted QFC 2 posts above me, it's a really interesting and nice thread.

    I hope all top 200m agil players get banned and the agil hiscore looks like this:

    1 Jebrim I

    2 Jebrim II

    3 Jebrim III

    4 Jebrim IV

    5 Jebrim V


    Oke maybe not, but would be cool huh!

    The other top agilitizers should totally change their names to Jebrim.


    no thanks

  6. Just had to post this completely fail story. Was doing a f45 in w148(just gets worse by the day, I even see lvl 60 dungers try and get into some teams now), everyone on team however had 90+ dung so I expected it to be all right. Completely wrong though.


    First off these two guys in our team apparently speak the same language, so the dung was constant foreign language spam of them talking constantly, really distracting/annoying. The third guy went off on his own, to do a gd I thought, but when I return to base later I see katagon armor like gloves and boots and hides all over the floor.


    At this point I'm giving up on them, I'm off clearing a section of skill doors by myself, I clearly announce/mark/have ggs next to a gd and tell them to do it a few times, as I see the 111 shade I marked still has the marked sign. I look at map and notice the two guys having the spam chat are in the same room, they announce it's lvl 100 hunt, one guy's begging for cures. I assume one of the two knows how to make a hunt pot, so I continued doing my section. Five minutes later I check again, now three of them are in that room, as the third guy finally made a pot and ran down to them, with cures as one of the two noobs still was rambling on about how he needed cures. The gd is still uncleared.


    Finally, everyone gt's to the door that I marked ages ago. Me and my friend who's good start to kill the shade-infested, necro and mage-infested room, which lures them in (why else would they start a gd unless someone else was there to tank the damage for them?), and when we finish, instead of going on to the next gd north of the room, one guy starts mining more katagon ore.


    But now that I'm with them again, I notice a change in the 3 fail teammates.


    All 3 of them now had a beast of burden, a great indicator of a bad teammate. I look at their inventories, and yep, sure enough, filled to the brim with blue crabs and other food they fished and cooked. One guy now has full range armor he crafted for himself.


    A short? while later, I find the boss, which, to no surprise, is Thunderous. Can any of them do it besides me and my friend? Ofc not. Me and him start making rejuv's, as none of them had the herb lvl to make them. None of them gave us any money, as they "needed it." When we go to boss, thanking our luck that the dung is finally over, we get the boss down to 25% lp, when WTFDOORLAG appears out of nowhere, no warning. Because of that lag and the innate w148 lag that is now common, Thunderous conveniently says, "Come closer!" We both come closer, and ofc, Thunderous heals, then does an earthquake attack that nearly kills me.


    At this point my friend got mad and told them all to just shut up (foreign guys never stopped talking) and that he was really pissed for messing us up with no warning. Foreign guys start making jokes, and although I didn't know all the words, when stuff like "after boss" and "wait till done" get thrown in there, I realize both these teammates who are just leeching while we killed thunderous want to kick us. They start loling to themselves outside the door, plotting their revenge, when thunderous is once again almost dead.


    He's at almost no health, when one of the foreign guys runs in trying to get the kill. He runs in, not to the side, but directly at thunderous, right in the you-can't-run-out-in-time and in the no-tele zone. Thunderous yells, "Come closer!" but thank god, he died before carrying it out.


    As soon as he falls to the ground one of them yells, "Kick him [my friend]!"


    I really hate dungeoneering sometimes. -.-

  7. +1 to everything Sly Wizard has said in this thread.


    You can hide behind, "I'm moral irl, but Rs is pixelated therefore the real people who play it don't matter so I have a right to do whatever I want to them," but it's a flimsy argument to suggest that doing the kind thing only matters when you see the other person. Imo, the best way to live is treating all people with respect wherever you are-regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or how good their Rs skills are.

  8. I remember back in elementary when we used to play dodgeball often. I was pretty good, better than most the girls because I could dodge anything thrown at me..except balls thrown by this one guy named Jordan. That guy was like my nemesis, inevitably, I'd fail to dodge what he threw and would get hit right in the face. So one day, I got really pissed off, and decided that once and for all I'd hit him back. I saw him, grabbed a ball, and chucked the ball as hard as I could....so hard that I completely messed up my aim and missed him by several feet. Right into the face of some poor fat girl who hadn't the slightest idea of what she was doing. She covered her face in her hands and started sobbing, the game was paused as everyone comforted her, and all her girl friends looked around demanding who had done this to her. I pretended to be as shocked and horrified as everyone else, and kept it to myself. No one found out it was me. :)

  9. I have 200m agility xp. I hear a lot about these subjects.


    S U O M I is the most likely, because he is fully prepared to spend the next 10 years nolifeing, and has an available living space for this time. He plays about 17 hours a day, and tries to be as perfect as possible all those hours. However, because of his refusal to merch, he has started some ridiculous "donating campaign" that means it will take him years longer than normal. (ex: he has to graahk to 200m rc, because he desperately needs money). He also is at risk of running out of cash before 200m mining, smith, magic currently.


    Gertjaars no one takes seriously at maintaining rank 1. Just about everyone wants him to lose rank 1 to Zarfot. Gertjaars also has money troubles, as in the past he spent all his money just so that he could maintain rank 1. You'll see on his yt channel he's heavily leeching smokin mils by becoming their poster boy, saying to join them, as it has "pro members like gertjaars and telmomarques." He'll either run out of cash or lose out on efficiency to Zarfot when it comes to non-buyables.


    Zarfot has 200m craft, herb, smith banked, and is so loaded that he will certainly become rank 1 if he keeps playing. He plays less to gain more than the top page overall, but since Zarfot spends time in something called real life, and is not a complete no lifer, there is a strong probability that he'll quit rs for real life before he ever gets 200m everything.


    Lover Romeo has a 0% chance at 200m everything, sorry. Yes, he has 200m agility and 200m mining, but he is one of the most inefficient players there ever was. Atm, he's far more focused on 200m e hitting on girls than gaining xp.


    Drumgun nolifes well, and has an available living space, but he only cares to train what he likes. For instance, he has 200m attack, defence, constitution, and mage, and is currently working on strength...probably getting 200m there too. However, he only has 15.7m slayer xp, which highlights his inefficiency for obvious reasons. He also does not merch, which adds to the number of hours needed, but he's still gotten a lot of money over the years (ex: all the combat drops, he once had a collection of thousands of whips). His bank probably still has or has had a large net amount, since he killed rock lobsters to 200m mage, which requires billions.


    Those are some of the strongest candidates, and some of the names I've seen thrown around here. Regardless, don't expect 200m everything to happen for yeears.

  10. I was researching sadism and masochism for a psychology paper, when I decided to click BDSM (Bondage Discipline Sadomasochism). When I opened the page, all that was written on it was:




    literally dozens of lines.

  11. I cheated in Monopoly in class while we were playing it using Accounting to keep track of cash. The two other girls beside me succeeded in entirely messing up their accounts, and I had to sit there for 5+ minutes waiting for them to fix it. It was my turn, so I rolled and landed on Income Tax. I honestly just sat there while they were absorbed in failmath, I picked up my piece right before their eyes, and without their notice, set it back down to where I was, and rolled again. Can't believe how oblivious they were.

  12. ^ I just finished reading Brave New World :thumbsup: . You should definitely read Brave New World Revised, it will give you a lot more insight for your report &c. Also, from what I've been reading on these forums, I'm sure a lot of members will lend a helping hand for your report (these people would marry the book if they could).

    And before that book, I read 1984. Now I'm craving more future apocalyptic novels in the same grain as these two, they really get the brain workin'. Even though BNW was extremely brief, Huxley perfectly conveyed everything that was needed to know about it's society and how it worked without being dull, sorta like in 1984.


    Now i'm reading The Velocity of Honey by Jay Ingram, the host of Daily Planet. I was going to read Dawkin's new book but my dad absolutely forbids me to read anything before he does (although I find this childish, he is the one that buys all our books, so I can't complain).

    Is brave new world revised just like a copy of the book with what's going on being talked about? That sentence doesn't make any sense, but oh well.


    Brave New World revised is about Huxley's comments about the world decades after he wrote the book. He writes about future problems he forsees, like overpopulation and mind control using subliminal suggestion.

  13. I had this one a few years ago, and I still remember it.




    It started where I was sitting on my couch, alone, watching tv. Then a bolt of lightning struck me through the ceiling and I died. But it didn't end there, as all of the sudden I was standing in a movie theater. I could see a judge's podium right in front of me, and some manlike thing. I asked him where I was, since I didn't think being in the movie theater made any sense at all right after I had died. He told me, well there's good news and bad news. You see, you're not good enough to go to heaven, but you're not bad enough to go to hell. So for the rest of eternity, you'll be in this movie theater with all these people, watching movies. I think I then tried to convince him to let me into heaven, but he told me no.




    Then I remember walking along with thousands of people trying to get into a certain room of the movie theater. Bored, watching bad movies for a while, my last thought was, Well, at least I didn't go to hell. Then the dream ended.

  14. I got 99 agility and then I got 100m more xp in the skill. I don't need to type a long, boring post explaining why I'm different in small, minute, unimportant ways like most of the posts on this topic. Looking at my stats alone says it.

  15. Daddy longlegs. They scare me more than any other spider.


    Swimming over seaweed. Who isn't afraid of what might be beneath you...


    Black girls in the hallways. If I make one wrong step I'm afraid they'll shove me to the ground and kick my [wagon] (110-pound female here)

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