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Buying Sig + Avy! Will go up to 500k if they're spiffy!


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I really am not picky about what goes into it, so long as it looks cool.








Here's some random stuff I like to get your thinking caps working:




- Rainbows (see my awesome current sig)




- Basketball




- Sailor Jupiter (from sailor moon tv show, aren't I mature) :D




- Light








Colors I like in the combinations I want:




Purple + White




Blue + Gold




Rainbow :D




(Or just surprise me.)








I must admit I'm not too fond of pixel sigs, but maybe someone will impress me.




Sorry also that I cannot supply any images to go into the sig, (my computer sucks) but if you feel inclined to capture some screenshots of the beautiful me on RS, let me know and we can have a photo shoot! Yay!








Word to go on sig:












Word on Avy (optional):












This is basically an opportunity for those who wish to submit their sigs to be as creative as possible, as I'm not really setting guidelines.




I will pay between 100k-250k each for additional sigs if there is more than one that catches my eye.









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Guest bl00dwork

Eek, I got sailor moon. Or whatever her name is... :?












and the avy...












Real crappy, I know. I'll do another one when I'm not bored and tired?

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Some comments on the work done thus far:








Athena - It's pretty :o I like the font, image choice, etc.








uNL337 - the background color combo somehow annoys me -.- if you could try again on it that'd be great.








fleks - I like the red in the sig, but not the font you used for "Topazjewel."




If you could use something a bit prettier I'd like it more. :)








Loth - I just don't like that font, and would like the blue to be a bit darker, like between royal blue and navy. Thanks.








Jlr - Love it! If another image could be used/taken out for the avatar though, I don't like how it repeats, but it looks great in the sig.








bl00dwork - I love the font and the swirls, but I can't stand Sailor Moon herself. :P Could you find a pic with jupiter?








Sorry ford_rule, I'm looking for something of a bit higher standard than the ones you've shown me so far, but thanks for your effort.








I'm going to give those people working on/making changes to the sigs and avvies a couple more days. I'll be out of town over Christmas but should be back Sunday afternoon and will definitely be back to this thread by Monday, and payments should be complete by Tuesday or Wednesday.




If everyone could post/pm to me how much they'd like for their work, that'd be helpful as I've never really bought a sig before and am not sure what time and stuff is going into these. Thanks.




Also if anyone wants to try a sig with Jupiter and a GREEN background I might like that. :D








Thanks again!

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Some comments on the work done thus far:








Athena - It's pretty :o I like the font, image choice, etc.








uNL337 - the background color combo somehow annoys me -.- if you could try again on it that'd be great.








fleks - I like the red in the sig, but not the font you used for "Topazjewel."




If you could use something a bit prettier I'd like it more. :)








Loth - I just don't like that font, and would like the blue to be a bit darker, like between royal blue and navy. Thanks.








Jlr - Love it! If another image could be used/taken out for the avatar though, I don't like how it repeats, but it looks great in the sig.








bl00dwork - I love the font and the swirls, but I can't stand Sailor Moon herself. :P Could you find a pic with jupiter?








Sorry ford_rule, I'm looking for something of a bit higher standard than the ones you've shown me so far, but thanks for your effort.








I'm going to give those people working on/making changes to the sigs and avvies a couple more days. I'll be out of town over Christmas but should be back Sunday afternoon and will definitely be back to this thread by Monday, and payments should be complete by Tuesday or Wednesday.




If everyone could post/pm to me how much they'd like for their work, that'd be helpful as I've never really bought a sig before and am not sure what time and stuff is going into these. Thanks.




Also if anyone wants to try a sig with Jupiter and a GREEN background I might like that. :D








Thanks again!








what would you like to have in the avatar? IF i sold sig to you how does 150k sound?









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Jlr - I'm not sure exactly what I want for the avatar, either just with the image removed or with a different image than the one used in the sig would be good. If you'll sell it to me though I LOVE the sig!








Athena - I like the first sig you made better than the green one, but I still do like the green one. :D How much for both of them?

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