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A Divided Gielinor


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This is my first attempt at writing. Don't laugh. Any comments, improvements,spell checks, etc. are welcome. I'll write the first part, if you like I'll keep on. (Haven't gotten far though.)








Part I, Chapter I: The Turnings






"Ma, I'll be right back, I'm going to meet Joscelin." Stephen yelled as he raced across the yard, and hopped over the broken gate he long ago had promised to fix.




Joscelin Damours and Stephen Ormond had been friends ever since birth. For sixteen and a half years they had been playmates and companions. Despite how much Stephen wished, they had never been more than friends. The reason why could be debated over for hours. One might say they were afraid of ruining their friendship, another might say they felt nothing between them. Either way they had never been anything more.




Stephen finally came to a quaint little... well.... you couldn't call it a shack but it wasn't exactly a house, so we'll just call it a living space. Joscelin lived there with her parents in the lower eastern part of Varrock. Joscelin was perched on the small well outsider her living space, gazing into the water.




"Joscelin, I'm here. So what was the emergency?"Stephen asked.


"Oh thank goodness you're here!"Joscelin replied, jumping to her feet." I was afraid you wouldn't make it on time."


"What's the matter? I wouldn't make it here in time for what?" Stephen questioned.


"Oh it's terrible, positively horrible!" she moaned.


"What is???"


"My father has promised me to Guy Stukely, I'm to be wed in the morning" Joscelin looked on the verge of tears.


Stephen felt as if he had been stabbed in the side over and over again with a dagger. He managed to say, "Guy...Guy Stuk...Guy Stukely! Doesn't he live in Ardougne?" Joscelin managed to squeak a yes.


"But...but, that means we would hardly ever see each other!"


Joscelin was silent. She started to walk towards the doorstep. "Joscelin wait!" Stephen hollared as he grabbed her arm to stop her. " You can't leave, you just can't!"


"Stephen, I have to! I don't have a choice! Guy is rich, and my family needs this money!"


"Joscelin, you can't because...because..."


"Because why?"


"Because..." She started to pull away. She got a few steps before she heard, " Because I love you!


Joscelin stopped dead in her footsteps. "I'm sorry." and with that she walked inside.


"So am I." Stephen said to himself. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his worn out trousers and slowly turned to walk home. A tear trickled down his cheek.



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