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Free Sig Shop ~Celebrating Quitting Runescape~


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WOW! Amazing for free!!








I would really appreciate if you could make me one.








Could you make it pink/shiny colors.




Text: Aster Other: GOW Member
















Ps. Could you pm me it, in case I get lost through ages ;)








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hey since ur sooo good !!








Could u plz make me a banner?








height: 1.5cm roughly?...




length: 12 cm....




colour: dark orange plz




text: Volcoms signature competition(white plz)








thx lots





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Heres the new one J Rod made me and i love it.
















He had some trouble with quality so i fixed it up and slapped on some new text that i liked. thanks again j rod!!








*added to my sig rotator*!!!












8) [/img]

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yes its spam...




but my bf wants to have a 3sum with me and jessica :P she is pretty good looking i guess... but im better :twisted:








sorry for like ruining this topic...









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