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The Official World 2 KellySweetie Shade Guide


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It is important to note that this guide was created for Killing shades as combat experience, AND then burning them for Prayer experience. Rewards also come from burning them.




This is the entire guide previously posted at my old guild, G.U.I.L.D.S., I was one of the higher ranks in the Prayer Guild and I was tasked to create a guide for shade burning - one of my favorite time-killers. And now, I give to you.. The Official World 2, KellySweetie Shade Guide.




It frightens me that in my opinion, one of the coolest and most rewarding ways to train Prayer, is also the most unspoken of. What is this mysterious mini-game? ... Shade Burning.




Recommended Players: Anyone who can wear rune armor and weaponry. (Although dragon weaponry is recommended.)


Required World: World 2. (And ONLY World 2, unless we can somehow pull off holding a Temple on our own.)


Before you read anything here, you will need to complete two quests. "Priest in Peril" and "Shades of Mort'ton."


Shades of Mort'ton will actually give you insight on how to burn the shades, and part of the quest is getting access to the minigame. If you have done either of those, then you better gear up. But don't worry, they are very easy and not time consuming. Also.. a certain quest called "In Search of the Myreque" will give you an alternate route to Mort'ton, which will save you tons of time and quicker access to a bank! (However, this quest requires completion of another quest... "Nature Spirit")




Once you have completed Priest in Peril and Shades of Mort'ton, now we can get to Prayer training. But yes, I know, Tip.it already has a "Splitbark Armor Guide" which claims to help you kill the shades and so on. Personally, I think it's a terrible guide and anyone that wants to last more than 5 minutes against the shades will have to follow this set-up and system strictly, (In other words... Monks robes and a sickle won't save your rear if you want serious experience.)




Now that you have done the quests, Here is the rest of the guide! This is my first guide, so I hope you all enjoy it.


Shade Burning trains Combat, Firemaking, Prayer, and Woodcutting (Optional), levels. You can chop your own logs, then take your armor and weapons and kill/burn the shades like you did in the quest - Shades of Mort'ton. This guide is designed for anyone who has never seen a Shade past level 40, so there is some reading involved. But trust me, I make it interesting. 8)




First off, you need to know what to have in your lovely inventory! You will need A Tinderbox, Noted Logs (I recommend Willow or higher [75+ logs]), Noted Food (Lobster or higher [Food number depends on your defense and hit points.]), Some way of teleporting out if in danger (Ring of dueling, Glory ammy, Teleport runes/tablets, ect), and finally... at least 50-75k Coins. (You will need coins to buy back the items you will be selling to the general store to get them into your inventory, this will let you stay at the Shades longer and let you train Prayer more efficiently.)


Here's what I usually go with:




(Now, the sharks can be replaced with lobsters but I wouldn't go any lower in quality than that, and of course the barrows/whip can be replaced with another armor/weapon.)




Now then, you might be wondering what to wear to these nasty little creatures.




For Shades level 40-60: (For any adventurer. Rune is all that's required, but a dragon long sword/scimitar will help.)




For Shades level 80: (Recommended for the average level 80+ with a whip or high strength/attack level.)




For Shades level 100: (What I train on! Barrows can be switched for rune, but beware - they hit fast and are accurate.)




For Shades level 120:...


DON'T EVER TRAIN PRAYER ON LEVEL 120 SHADES UNLESS YOUR COMBAT IS VERY HIGH (110+). To be honest, these damn things hit fast and hard, and if your combat level isn't high enough to withstand their attacks, you will need to use Prayer, and lots of it. I do not recommend training on these because of their difficulty and the amount of extra materials you will need, so I will not put a inventory picture for this Shade. I may in the future if requested. :)




Where are these Shades located?




Loar Shades (Lvl. 40) (33.5 Prayer exp per burn): Pretty easy to find, considering they are EVERYWHERE on the ground level of Mort'ton, and are extremely annoying to players who are caught under their aggression. Chances are you might never have to actually kill one. Just run around and look for all the remains on the ground!






Phrin Shades (Lvl. 60) (46.5 Prayer exp per burn): Located right inside the Shade Tombs, also highly annoying as they are usually clustered around in the first room. You need any Bronze key or higher to get into the Shade Tombs for these Shades.






Riyl Shades (Lvl. 80) (61.5 Prayer exp per burn): Found in the next chamber past the Phrin Shades, the Lvl 80's are the most commonly trained on Shade. They can only be burnt with Willow or higher logs, and you will need any Steel key or higher to get to these Shades.






Asyn Shades (Lvl. 100) (79.5 Prayer exp per burn): Ah, my favorite Shade. These are popular with the higher level players (90+) and hit hard if you arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t wearing high enough defense. (Which is why I wear barrows.) These shades can only be burnt with Yew or higher logs, and a Black key of any type or higher will be required for the Asyns.






Fiyr Shades (Lvl. 120) (100 Prayer exp per burn): Here is what you don't want to run into with low prayer. There's a reason they are locked in a secluded room available only with a Silver key. These monsters have 110 hit points and a high defense. In laymanÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s terms - you'll be fighting these for a while if you come unequipped for them. I spent a lot of time and money getting my Firemaking to 80 (YES, I BURNT MAGIC LOGS! :shock:) in order to kill a few of these, and let me tell you - It wasn't worth it. While they drop higher level items and have a nice prayer experience, they just simply arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t worth the resources you need to kill them with (On top of everything else, only Magic logs are able to burn these suckers). Unless you can take on direct hits without Prayer on, never ever attempt to kill these Shades.








Now you know the Shades, but what do you do?


After shade burning for ungodly amount of hours, I've created a system for Shade Burning. It's something I hold close to me and I don't share it often, but hey - you guys rock so I'll give it up for you. :D




I. Sell/Buy-Back 10 Logs into your inventory. (Only Sell and Buy-Back 10 because it's much easier to factor out your amount of Prayer experience per run this way. For example... if I kill and burn 10 Asyn Shades at 79.5xp each.. 79.5 Multiplied by 10 = 795xp. Per Run)




II. Buy Olive oils until you have filled 10 spaces with all 4 Dose Oive oil. You may need to buy around 15 and fill them all to (4).




III. Head up to the Temple and begin hacking away at those pesky Loars. (Or, if you feel like it.. go buy one of those fancy hammers and the supplies and start repairing. However, this costs serious cash, so I don't recommend it for lower levels...unless you're rich. ;))




IV. Once your sanctity reaches about 20%, you can begin making blessing your Olive oil into Sacred Oil. Continue this repeat of step III and IV until you have all 10 Vials as 4 dose Sacred Oil.




V. Now is when we move into the Shade Tombs. If you haven't got the right level key to enter the right Tomb for the Shade you want to kill, kill a Loar and burn it until you get a key. Continue burning the different shades consecutively until you reach the level of key you want.


***Remember! Always keep at least 1 key of the type of Shade you wish to burn. This way you can return without having to waste logs on Loars and ect.***




VI. Once inside, slay your 10 shades and head on out to those lovely looking funeral pyres for your rewards. (Low levels alert: Be careful of the stupid Loars running amok outside in Mort'ton. They will literaly follow you anywhere inside the town until you leave it!)




VII. With keys ready, return to the Shade Tombs and open the chest that co-responds with the color of trimming on the key that it has. (Black key Crimson would mean, open "Black Chest" with "Crimson" trimming.)




VIII. Go find the General Store and sell your newly acquired items! You will get your money back that you lost while buying back your logs and you are ready to repeat everything over again!




***In some cases, 10 logs and 10 Oils may be space consuming for players whom need more room for food. I would recommend experimenting with different numbers of logs/oil, but remember to keep the number of logs equal to the number of four dose oils.***






What kind of rewards can I get from these Shades?


Every chest has it's own different set of possible "treasure" (Note the quotes on treasure. :roll:)


Bronze- Level 1 Clue Scrolls, Steel/Black/Mith Armor or Weapons.


Steel- Level 1 Clue Scrolls, Steel/Black/Mith/Addy Armor or Weapons.


Black- Level 2 Clue Scrolls, Steel/Black/Mith/Addy Armor or Weapons.


Silver- Level 3 Clue Scrolls, Steel/Black/Mith/Addy/Rune Armor or Weapons.


In every case there is a small chance to get "Fine Cloth", now this is used for Splitbark armor, but you can usually sell it for like 1-5k off some person at the Shade Temple. Maybe I just have something about Splitbark, but I don't like looking like a giant tan/brown rectangle, so I usually end up selling mine at the General Store for 900gp each.


Naturally, the higher level log you use to burn the shade, the higher chance of you getting a 'more rare' level key. 'Black' and 'Purple' trimmed keys are the rarest, while the others are fairly common.


Some players like to bring a stack of nature runes and high alch their rewards, but it's up to you.




Well, that about wraps up this Guide! It took me around 5 or 6 hours in total, but I love it. If I need to make any changes or if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment and tell me.


Happy Burning!

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im glad to see someone that loves shade burning, i too am an experienced shade burner and have burned over 8k mage logs, it also took me 2 months from 56-99 prayer and counting, u wont find my account in hi scores my account was banned and i see you have made a mistake, fiyr shades hit less at lv 114 for me but when i was lv 110 almost died every run, but at lv 114 i noticed i had a bit more hits left every run, also gl with ure shade burning, havent done it in years i dont think im that rusty though

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haven't you forgot about the Burgh de Rott bank? i find this very easy to use when burning shades and it saves a huge amout of cash

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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haven't you forgot about the Burgh de Rott bank? i find this very easy to use when burning shades and it saves a huge amout of cash




I suppose I have. Sorry about that, its just that soon after I had posted this on my previous forums, I took a much needed hiatus from RS and I never really took the time to check what updates I missed. I'll investigate the Burgh de Rott bank and update this guide when I get a chance. Thank you Ryuuka :D

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