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The Life of a Craftsman /-Nerixian-/

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Mission Statement / How Everything Fell Into Place


Ahh.. Peaceful Relaxation cooking raw Lobster. It made me think... craftsmen make all the money in this game easily. Sure there is combat for good and rare drops, but I see -while working on 99 cooking- there is a lv 3 with 99 Fletching and 99 Cooking, and she has black flowers, and other expensive items. So craftsmen - high level's in non-combat skills - do make money.. and they don't have to always risk there lives! Its usually easier because people are willing to trade the resources for the good! I am training cooking by trading cooked lobster for raw and getting PURE EXPERIENCE, while only costing me an initial 500k to buy some raws to start up. I guess I not wording things to kindly, and I am talking forever so Ill just round it off for now; This is a GOAL BLOG and my current goals are to get 99 In general craftsmen trades. Than I will feel that my character has done his part in Runecape, and can go out and explore more of the world for various reasons.




The Level 99 Sprint


In the skills I believe to be "Craft" skills, I will be making Level 99 sprints; I will be focusing on one skill at a time, and getting it to level 99. I will try my best as to not get sidetracked to other things. Since somethings get boring easily (Runecrafting.. Lol) I may take breaks to go do Pest Control or just some plain Combat Training. This will help me get some money to purchase supplies, But I promise on all craft skills, I will only work on one at a time. As because Farming takes time, It is the ONE exception to the "99 sprint" in each goal. I WILL be training Farming in the cracks of other skills.




Current Goal


My current goal is 99 Cooking. This would be my first Skill Cape, and would also be my first craft to be level 99. I am using the method of trading cooked fish, for raw in hopes of getting quick experience. After 99 Cooking I am looking at getting 99 Fletching, by a Similar Method; trading completed bows for the logs and bowstring.




My "Craft" Goals


99 In all of the Following:






Why This Blog?


I bloged this because its a way for me to keep track of my goals, and share them with everyone else. I am here not only for that, but to learn of others who have similar goals (-and possibly train with somone), to get advice and to get support. I am willing to take any advice that you will post here, and I am looking for support to help keep me on track for my goals.




I have a LONG way to go.

See My Goal Blog Here!

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