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jack harwks awesome goals

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(my computer just went mad so iv had to restart, i will edit this and finish it as soon as pc is back on thanx for being understandin, jack =] )




hey fello tip.it members




this is jack harwk (ice harwk's notorious pure :) ) and here are my goals which maybe even you could help with :-s




[hide=about jack]




well im a 15 year old boy, longish brown hair, loves war games, likes playin drums :XD: wooot! [/hide]




on to my goals




[hide=my goals]




80 range :thumbsup:


85 magic (tb of course)


99 fletching


99 thieving




items i wish to own




black cavalier


10k bolt racks =p


couple of rares [/hide]




[hide=the fletching goal]




well with my short attention span this may be hard lol, but with some help i may be able to do it, im not the richest pure so i cant buy the skill so im gonna do it a buy supplies make and sell method




this is where you fellow tipiters could help :thumbsup:




i buy all yew logs 350gp ea


and all bs 190-200gp ea


so if ur willin to be perm seller plz speak up






[hide=some pics....]




we all like pics so ill try and get this updated often...




range gear atm






normal eveyday gear






stats at the start of the blog








[hide= generous donations]




not needed but i wouldnt decline :-w :-w




sithlord2829 - thanx so much m8 got me karil x bow 145 racks and black d hide[/hide]








as its christmas soon i thought i may aswell have a christmas drop party aswell ill probly do near start of december i will be having a mini drop party with some prety good items in it and then maybe a round or two at kq if you would care to join then plz post here [/hide]




[hide= ppl comin]






































thanks for readin my blog \' \' \'

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