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PNG Half-transparencies on Windows


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I recently made a png image on an OSX that involved half transparancy. I needed to transfer it over to my windows xp so that I could use it, so I emailed it to myself and opened it on windows. But when I try to use it or view it, it isn't half transparant. Do you know any file type besides .psd that supports half transparancy? I really need it.













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I'm talking about HALF- Transparancy.











PNG Half-transparencies on Windows




I recently made a png image on an OSX that involved half transparancy. I needed to transfer it over to my windows xp so that I could use it, so I emailed it to myself and opened it on windows. But when I try to use it or view it, it isn't half transparant. Do you know any file type besides .psd that supports half transparancy? I really need it.









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ok whats half-transparancy








It's more commonly known as partial-transparancy or alpha-transparancy, or an alpha layer, or something along those lines..








It basically allows you to have semi-transparent pixels outside of graphics programs, using a special alpha channel. It allows for much smoother and cooler graphics.

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