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Hi all,




im looking for an awsome pixel sig!




i will pay very well to whom i feel makes me the best sig with the best quality!












here wat i would like!












I want it to be a girl with a blue phat swinging down on a ranger with a maul!




i dont want the maul to be excactly hitting the ranger though!




i want the ranger to have an extremely scared face on!




i want the girl to have blue drag hide chaps on,white short sleeve shirt,maul,blue phat,saradomin cape, desert boots and a power ammy!




id like the ranger to have on a robin hood hat, i think it would be funny too if he was tripping with arrows falling out of his pants!




ummmm...that really about it...




your probably an experienced pixel sig maker if your reading this..soo do the ground and background to your peronal likeing!








have fun and may the best artist win!




Oo and for the text plz put- oxo cute oxo- l0vv d3f f0r lyf3!




payment will be done upon me picking the winner!




add-ik9plz4lylz0 in game for more deatils(my pker that im training)

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