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Again I say, ask the nicely to read the site, the parents guide and see what it's all about.




Also, even thought it is a game, there are things that can be learned from it. My son has learned some good life skill I believe anyway, things that we as parents try to teach our kids, but they are better learned yourself.


1) He learned how to focus, set realistic goals, and achieve them. He started by saying I'm going to get 99 woodcutting and cutting trees all the time, got bored and gave up. He did this with many skills and learned, that if he sets his goals to 5 or 10 lvls at a time, he can do it, and gets satisfaction out of doing it.


2) His math skills have improved ....figuring out how many points until the next lvl (although they do this for you now), If I'm selling "x" of an item at "y" gp each, he's a whiz at this now.


3) He has learned how to work for what he wants, whether he trains combat to be able to kill the monster that drops what he wants or work at another skill to make money to buy the item...definitely learned the value of working for what you want (because he knows I would kill him if I ever caught him begging)


4) On a down side he did get scammed early on, but he learned you can't trust everyone, people need to earn your trust.

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