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Bubba's Blog of Everything Runescape

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Blog entry on the 16th of December-








My first blog post. This is going to be interesting. Well, I am going to be making reviews of what has happened in the last week in the world of Runescape so lets reminisce shall we... *little bubble cloud appears"




So, yes the very first update comes in to destroy and I mean totally DESTROY the real world traders (rwt's). These RWT's were destroying what you know as Runescape and Jagex made a point to point this out.








So, was this totally necessary? All the updates, the horrible horrible updates according to some of those rioters? Well, in my own humble opinion, yes. Now, you may think "why did Jagex destroy their own game they worked so hard for?". Now, yes they took out two VERY big things, the first being pking and coming in January, the not unbalanced trades.








What problems do RWT's pose to us? They pose a large threat to us actually. How many bots do you see around Runescape? You see lots of them, lots and lots of bots (he he, that ryhmed). What do a lot of people in one area do? They cause lag, and sometimes lots of it. Another is the ruined economy. They will charge the lowest prices because they don't have to do any work at all. They just let their program do the working and let others buy their supplies. The final thing is actually real life oriented. The money that is made off of selling Runescape gp is thought to, in some cases but NOT all of them, promote crime. Yes, if you buy gp, you might be giving money to criminals. Is that what you want? Probably not.








Well now to actually reviewing the updates regardless of their reasons.




First up- The loss of pking and the gaining of clan wars and bounty hunter.




So... you lost pking :( . You gained something we call clan wars and... well clan wars. What, I didn't say bounty hunter? Oh, really they are the same. In bounty hunter, you can go after your assigned target and get the rewards. If you don't attack your assigned target you are marked as a "rouge bounty hunter". These are the people that make bounty hunters clan wars. You will get loads of people at the entrance to bounty hunter and they will attack you to basically totally annihilate you. That, and the WHOLE area is a multi-combat zone. To figure out the general market value of each a players equipment, there is a colored skull and little gold coins on the side, which the more coins the more expensive.




Clan wars, as I said, is like bounty hunter but with organization. If you die YOU DO NOT LOSE YOUR STUFF! You have 2 minutes to get your battle plan ready before the wall in the middle sinks, allowing both sides to attack. Whenever one team is destroyed the other is the victor.




Revants(or however you spell it) are the most annoying, overpowered monster, that I have seen. They can mage, melee, and range which makes them very deadly. Their levels mean nothing, other than they can't attack you if you aren't deep enough.




So, how do I rate these? Well, .5 out of 5 on the bounty *cough* clan wars *cough* hunter just because there is still a player killing part of Runescape. 5 out of 5 on the clan wars addition because you can challenge other clans and not have to worry about intruders.




2nd- Gravestones!




Gravestones have to be a very nice addition to Runescape. They do not show much of an improvement but let me give you a real pixel experience. I was taking pictures on death plateau and find myself dead from lag! Now, luckily for myself I bought a Guthix gravestone which protects your items for 4 minutes without being needed to be blessed.




So, to the point. Gravestones are put in place to protect items without allowing others to pick them up. Good? Yes. The most expensive is the angel of death for 500k which only holds for a minute longer that the guthix which costs a measly 50k. So my rating? 4.5 out of 5 only because of the overpriced angel of death.






So... What happened to me this week? Well lets see...




I started this week with 64 attack, 64 strength, 66 hitpoints, and 61 defence which put me at a combat level of 77. I ended the week with 70 attack, 64 strength, 68 hit points, and 61 defence which put me at 81 combat.




That's what I did this week so to send you off here is me in my Christmas outfit. Remember I will respond to PM's if you want to talk to me (will you be my friend :P) but I will NOT give you help on recent updates. Look it up in the knowledge base :)





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