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OMG TEH WILD GONE? The wild, the people, the rants


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Everyone drop traded... Runescape is the only big morpg I can think of that doesn't let you share items with your other accounts... It was and has always been a stupid rule. "Unfair for new players" OH NO3S P00R N33bZ!!! Oh well. Probably why so many of you people hate the wild because pures like me slayed you when you were noobs. And I loved every second of slaying the innocent newbie the second they walked into the wild.




As stupid as alot of us see this rule, it is still one of Runescapes rules...


Rules that all of us agreed to when we made our accounts (whether we like them or not), aru




Yeah i mean, if jagex tells you to jump out of the window being a part of their awesome rule, im sure you're gonna do it. Rules are rules, right?




These halfwits these days... Jesus <3:




If you create a Runescape account you have to agree to their terms of service...and in this agrement you agree to follow the games rules-no matter what. if you feel that the rule shouldnt be followed (like your jumping out the window analogy) you simply DONT make an account, aru




Please refrain from calling me a halfwit when you arnt even thinking your post all the way through :)

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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One of the rationalizations behind drop trading being ok mentioned here is that other MMORPG's allow you to do so between characters. I used to play UO (Ultima Online) and once you had a house, it was actually quite easy to trade between characters on your account because they all had ownership access to the house. Notice that I say all of the characters on the account. That is because you were allowed multiple characters (5 at the time) on your account to allow you to try different methods of play. i.e. skiller, combat mage, warrior, ranger, tamer, bard, thief, etc... Like many other MMORPG's, and UNLIKE Runescape, you could NOT do everything with one character. However, very much like Runescape, you were not allowed to multi-log, so it was hard to trade items between two accounts, unless you got a friend involved (at least initially).




So, I would say that the "because other games allow it" reasoning fails.

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