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The day the sky rained fire in runescape (part.1)


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THe tale begins at the time of the 5th age




Runescape was a peaceful place full of people warriors wizards...and monsters. In one day far north in the wilderness strange things happened there. Th people started seeing the sky of the wilderness turning blodd red and black coulds and storms. Then the Kings of each Kingdom send messagers to the Observatory to see whats going on in the wilderness. When the man at the Observatory looked into teh lens his eyes went wide open with bad news. Lots of monsters..., orcs golbins hobgoblins undead demons, all of Zamoraks monsters marching south of the wilderness. It was like a sea of them flowing fast south to the peaceful lands of Runescape. the army covered almost all the wilderness area from the west to the east a line of monsters. Soon they reached the very north of the Kingdom of Asgarnias ice mountians passing through the black kngihts which were part of thier army the reached edgeville killing and burning that village and at the Monastery the adventurers there fought to protect Saradomins place but they were do many so they all died and the Monastery got destoried.




A message from the Kingdom of Kandarin told that the people of the 2 kingdoms being attacked must flee to Kandarin so they can make thier final stand thier against the armies of Zamorak.....
















(i got so many spelling mistakes)

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