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Hunter & Summoning Cal and Planners


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Ok...Don't know if you are aware, but I went to these two and in the column for the number to do to get to a certain level it has NaN instead of a number.




I don't know if any other cal and planners are messed up...





Hello.... :-)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm assuming you mean just the calculators (not planners), as the planners don't have an "x needed till next level" column.




"NaN" means "Not a number", which indicates that something in the calculation went wrong, and the result wasn't a number. I was unable to reproduce this bug, however.




Could you post the values you used for current XP, target XP (or level), and what browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) you're using?




Thankees in advance.

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I used the following on Hunter:




Runescape Name: Kennashey (which it will not bring up any stats at all...)




Current Xp: 6,557




Target Lvl: 30




I am currently using Internet Explorer (with tabs, don't know version..)




Also on the Slayer Planner, when I enter the current xp and enter my assignment (111 lesser demons) I get a final lvl of 26 (which is one level less than my current level of 27). This also happens on the Hunter Planner...





Hello.... :-)



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I used the following on Hunter:


Runescape Name: Kennashey (which it will not bring up any stats at all...)


Current Xp: 6,557


Target Lvl: 30


I am currently using Internet Explorer (with tabs, don't know version..)


Your stats are fetched from the highscores on the main site. If you're not listed on the highscores, we cannot bring up your stats - in case you were wondering. I've tested the calculator with your stats, your target level, and using Internet Explorer. The calculator worked just fine, for me. (Picture.)




Also on the Slayer Planner, when I enter the current xp and enter my assignment (111 lesser demons) I get a final lvl of 26 (which is one level less than my current level of 27). This also happens on the Hunter Planner...


I've tested this with a current xp value of 10300 (which is in the range of level 27). I ended up with level 33 and a total xp of 19069, which is the correct value according to my pocket calculator.




Sorry, I'm really at a loss here. I have no idea what might be causing these problems :(




You could try clearing browser cache (hitting ctrl-f5 in IE, with the calculator opened), clearing temporary internet files, and checking Windows Update for a new version of Internet Explorer. Any of these might fix your problem, but no guarantees.

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  • 4 months later...

This thread was created a longgg time ago, but for clarification, just to clear up why your stats could not be retrieved is because in order for your scores to appear on the hiscores you need at least 30 in that particular level and must be ranked in the top 2,000,000 in that skill too. You can manualy enter your XP into the calculator at any level, but with hiscores, it needs to be ranked. Perhaps you received "NaN" because it never retrieved successfully retrieved your scores and was calculating without a number being in the Current XP box.




Edit: I'm sorry I overlooked the final post where AllBogs cleared up the reason for NaN. Sorry!!

- Speedyshel


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