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Graveyard High Scores



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Alright so this is probably the 5th TIF account I've made -.-




I have this thread currently on the Runescape Forums themselves.




I've been playing since 2001, and currently own a level 103 with 13.3m exp. People laugh when I say I've played this long, and I respond, I've got two great accounts, that were banned.




And yes, I did have two, my main from 2001 (CMBL 105 TL 1400 before construction) and my pker (CMBL 58 85 mage 65 range+Ancients) However foolishly I RWT'd them, for 5m and 9m respectivly.




When jagex started the banning, they showed the amount of game play logged, which was pretty impressive.




So my idea was to make a highscores list, of all the banned accounts+ their playtime logged. Why? To show legitimate players that your account, no matter how good it is, can be banned, and to those who lost an account, but still play following the rules, the recognition of time and effort.




I think this would be good from both perspectives, as a means to show the innocent players what can happen if you break the rules, and those with banned accounts recognition of their time.




And no I don't think banned accounts should be brought back. Even though I miss mine. Just my .02

RIP Noobkilla 3 2001-2006

RIP Cmenonu 2006-2007

RIP Runescape 2001-2006


~Claimed Mechscape Name~

"A Broom"

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