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Level 110 (103f2p) and 112 (104f2p) looking for clan


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My friend and I are looking for a new clan. We're interested in finding a clan that occassionally wars (but the sole focus shouldnt be warring), skills together, and has a clan chat where everyone logs into when playing runescape.


We're looking for a mature clan.. without all the unnecessary drama. We're just looking to play rs, not save the world.


Here's our stats.




And please really look at what I'm saying before copy pasting your advertisement.

A v a .


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I know you both from TSL and Passion! How you guys been? You should definitely check out The BlacKnights, they're quite active amongst these boards and have been around for over 9 years. The forum information can be found in my signature, just click on "BlacKnight's Forums" and register an account. Stop by #blacknights in IRC or BK Clan Chat in game.


<3 Jd2

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You guys seem like you'd be a great addition to our clan. We have many members who would get along with you guys prefectly. We pretty much are a family and help eachother out in rs with Monster hunting, Skilling Etc. So check us out or PM me in RS (Kenjaitsu).



Important Information and Links

Forums | Memberlist | IRC Channel (#TES-Clan)


Join The Elysian Syndicate!, a new and fast growing clan/community. We are always looking for new recruits to help make our clan grow into one of the best clans to be a part of in the Runescape Community. We have Regular weekly events posted on our forums for our clan members setup by our Event Coordinator's and friendly wars led by our Warlord


So why not become part of our clan? we have fun events, Friendly Wars & have a great community, So in theory we are an awesome clan that you cannot miss out on! we have a hard and dedicated staff to keep the clan active and fun. These are our staff members;





Vexx Hiwind

-High Council-




Event Co.-





Recruitment Marshal-




Each and Every clan staff member is dedicated in helping the clan in their appointed position to aiding the clan in any way they can. We are always looking for new members to help fill any vacant positions. So if you decide to join our clan and feel in the future you are ready to join the ranks as a Staff member of The Elysian Syndicate then take the next step and apply to our clan!


Take part in one of our many Weekly events such as;


GWD -Pics: 1 |

Dagganoth Kings -Pics: 1| 2

Duel Arena

Kalphite Queen -Pics: 1

Castle Wars

Clan Wars


Soul wars

Fishing Trawler

Fist of Guthix


Fight Pits -Pics: 1| 2

Great Orb Project

Mage Training Arena

Mobilizing Armies

Pyramid Plunder

Stealing Creation

Tears of Guthix

Temple Trekking

Player Killing

Flower Power

Hide and Seek

Fun Races

And many more


Elysian_spirit_shield.gif.::|Why Should you join?|::.Elysian_spirit_shield.gif

As a new clan it will be easier for you to get to know everyone as to an already big clan may have a large number of people making it hard to meet everyone. Help bring the Runescape Community another clan which will leave a mark in history as one of the greatest clans to be apart of, as a full Elysian Member. So make your journey today and start a new adventure with The Elysian Snydicate!


Elysian_spirit_shield.gif.::|How to join|::.Elysian_spirit_shield.gif

1: Register an account on our forums that can be found here.

2: Read our clan Rules here.

3: Read this thread and copy the application inside.

4: Copy the thread and fill out the info as needed.


~Thanks!, -The Elysian Syndicate

"Unity in faith. Strength in numbers. Power in skill. The Elysian Syndicate"


Members List | Forums | IRC

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Hey, check out Ancient Legion. We offer serious warring 2-3 times/week (it's not our only focus, but we do take it seriously), frequent fun events (Zammy GWD, SC, Friday night FOG, etc.) throughout the week, and an active and engaging community that'll respect you two as individuals, not as just more high levels. I hope you consider us in your clan search; feel free to PM me with whatever questions I can answer for you.




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☼The Wilderness Guardians☼


Hey <membernamehere> I thought i'd give you a little info about my clan, WG:


What we have to offer like other clans




* P2P Pking - We are out several times weekly, with pk trips always being successful.

* F2P Pking - We have 1 F2P pk trip each week for the Aussie members

* Warring/PKRIs - We have a war or a PKRI usually every two weeks, but occasionally weekly.

* Requirements - We keep our requirements at 100+ F2P to keep standards high with our members.

* Excellent Community - The WildGuard community is one of the best in the clan world, and you can ask many people that will agree.

*Money-making - We have support in many money-making events, from GWD, just plain skilling events, and even EP-gaining!

*Active Teamspeak and IRC - Our Teamspeak server can hold up to 1,000 members in it, and our IRC channel is always filled with people chatting about anything you can think of.




What sets us apart from other clans




*5.5 Years - WildGuard is one of the longest standing clans in the clan world, and still going strong under the same leadership.

*Positive Reputation - WildGuard is one of the most well known clans, and we're always asked for wars/pkris.

*Clan Website - Our website is probably the best clan website in the entire clan world, with the largest set of photo archives in the clan world.

*Forums - Our forums are one of the most secure forums in the clan world with our forum technician, Robbiethe1st.

*Leadership - The Wilderness Guardians have always been under the same leadership of His Lordship since it was founded, making him one of the longest serving clan world leaders.

*Event Variety - We have events like no other clan has, with probably the most events of any clan in the clan world.

*Event Frequency - We have an event almost every other day, ensuring that people will always find something to do with WG.

*Clan Anniversary - Our Clan Anniversary is one of the most well known in the world, stretching over 7 days with 20 events, and millions in cash/item prizes.

*Anti-extended PKRIs - We have a policy on not having PKRIs that last longer than three hours because we believe our members abilities rely on skill, not returning sets.

*Mentor System - We have a system where our Trial Guardians are paired up with our veteran members to help learn their way around WG.

*Non-RS Games - WildGuard plays a wide variety of games not RS related, from iSketch, Cannons, and many other games.

*Easy Application System - WildGuard has a system that instantly puts a member into a clan, no future applicants.

*World Timezones - All timezones are covered in events, so no specific timezone suffers.

*Allied Events - WildGuard has many events with our allies, ensuring a strong, reliable relationship continues with our allied clans.


Website: www.wildernessguardians.com

Forums: www.wildernessguardians.com/forum

IRC: #wg_lobby for guests, #wg for full members

Requirements: 100+ F2P Combat


Good Luck wherever you go for! :)




Ex-Wilderness Guardian


Retired from F2P clans indefinitely

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IRC Channel - #Blasphemy {on irc.swiftirc.net}


Website | Forums | Videos | Memberlist


Basic Needs Before Applying:

  • You must visit forums as often as possible.
  • You must be willing to listen and learn
  • You must show you have time for Blasphemy, and thats activeness in events.
  • You must have a heart to create passion and loyalty for Blasphemy


Hello There, And Welcome To Clan Blasphemy's Recruiting Thread. Blasphemy Is A Runescape Clan That Strives To Become Close To Perfect. Our Greatest Ambitions Have Never Changed Since Day 1, We've Always Wanted To Grow And We've Always Wanted To Be the Best. As The Clan Became Older, Blasphemy Became More Mature And More Understanding As To Knowing Which Destiny It Must Walk Upon.


Now Blasphemy Wants To Become Unique And Do Things No Other Clan Has Done Or Achieved Before. Complete Organization In The Battlefield, A Community Which Is A Family From Which Every Member Has Their Own Place & Identity. And Finally, We Want To Be The One's To Define That Power/Greed Is Nothing Compared To Courage, Skill, Intelligence & Unity.



To Join Blasphemy You Must Have Specific Character Attributes. You Must Be:


96+ F2P Combat Level

70+ Defense Level



Blasphemy is a clan that has heart and a passion to make an unforgettable mark. Our community enables the first step to our goals, were a clan that has great respect for one another. In Blasphemy, we really do feel like a family, it's like a tradition and a rule; Always stick by your comrades side and be their support in every instance.


Like mentioned, were built strongly on organization, thats organization on and off the wildy. In the wildy, you see like nearly every clan doing the same thing, the same tactics, I mean they do it but its never that perfect and for us just too repetitive. Runescape can be incredibly exciting if you have awesome imagination, charisma and the willingness of hearts to try out the different plans and tactics in the wildy. We make sure that every Blasphemien in the war is well aware of what they have to do, and that their confident and ready.



Now, most clans are built and revolve around having events, otherwise what's the point in clans? Blasphemy has a range of events, and our highest priority within them is to make them work and be successful. We want people to cherish the experience they have, and in the end, enjoy themselves.

  • F2P - We do a variety of F2P events, as Blasphemy is a F2P based clan. Clan Wars is really fun, especially knowing that you can run into any clan, knowing the popularity that it has with clans. We also do PvP Related wars and pking events aswell.
  • P2P - We also like to do P2P events such as Fight Pits, GodWars, Castle Wars, KBD etc.
  • Wars - This is the heart of Blasphemy's system. We train to war, to defeat other clans who set upon us a challenge. We have huge aims, and to earn what's yours, you must be willing to fight. Pvp & CWA wars is what blasphemy does.
  • Fun Events - We have plentiful of these, Achievement Parties, Skill Events, Unique Events and many more. Aims of Fun Events are to do something different for a change, at the same time to hopefully rep up Blasphemy by showing happiness within ourselves.

We try to do official events as much as we can, but in realness we have at least one "unofficial" event EVERY other day. This usually happens in our IRC channel, where clans might declare an instant 30 min prep mini. This shows our family is 24/7, and we like to keep in touch whenever we play runescape.



The aims of Blasphemy are always high and ambitious in an observer's eye, but to us it's something that we all cherish to complete. Things like making Blasphemy the most "unique" clan amongst all, don't know how we'll do it but one day if fate goes our way, we will be the first. Another aim is to create a brotherhood community, as mentioned above, but we want to keep this and make it stronger and more efficient to survive in the future. Final aim I'll mention is that Blasphemy does one day want to reach the top, and eventually be known and referred to as, positive, courageous and always existent.

















Leader - Makaaveli

Captains - Living Rival

Warlord - Ronny


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We choose to go...not because [it is] easy, but because [it is] hard, because that goal will serve to measure and organize the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win. ~ Blasphemien Way




"Rest In Peace, Muelmar - A True Modern Day Hero"

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Hi I believe you would make a fine addition to COS! Everything you are looking for can be found here !






FORUMS: http://z10.invisionfree.com/COS/index.php?

In other words: We got a ban hammer in varrock mines. It's jackin yo [censor] bots, slappin yo macros up, tryna ban em, so ya'll need to hide yo scripts, hide yo clicks, and hide yo logs cause they bannin errbody up in here.






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