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White Skillers - The Return - Community / Skilling / PvM


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White Skillers was first formed three year ago, though after the brutal decline of members as a result of summer's end it was forced to close. Two Years has passed since that unfortunate day and it was open again. After the fatal betrayal of the leaders it was closed once again. Today will mark the occosion that White Skillers stood it self back up and rose out of the ashes once again.. The WS of the past was known as a clan with goals, and open arms to every individual with basic knowledge of the English language. Many friends were made and great times had. The friendships made were lasting bonds. I speak from personal experience when I say this, there are few of the olden WS that I don't still talk to on a regular basis. This is what we are aiming for. A community that can have a great time and actually bring fun back to the game of RuneScape. You can expect nothing less than open arms when you step through our doorstep. We are a united group working towards one singular goal, which is fun.





#whiteskillers on swiftirc


Home Word:

P2P - 60

F2P - 61


Clan Chat:






Before you apply to become a member of White Skillers you must make sure you meet the requirements; however, if you just fall short of the requirements (Up to the staff judgement) you will have 14 days to obtain those requirements during your trial membership. If you obtain these requirements you will become a full member. If you do not to meet the requirements you will be ask to intro and apply again.


The Current Requirements are as follows:


Combat Oriented Characters - 1000 Total Level

Non-Combat Oriented Characters - 700 Total Level



On going requirements as Members


Once you have been accepted into the clan, you must be willing to commit to the clan. This means stay active and being part of the community. We judge this by event attendance, posts with in the forum and IRC activity. This may seem much, though we understand that members have lives out side of Runescape so we work with averages, so don't worry if you missed some events or didn't post on the forum on a day.


The ongoing requirements for clan members are as follows:


Must maintain an average daily post of 2.

Must maintain high event attendance

Must be active with in Mumble/IRC and the Clan Chat.


These will be explained in more details once you become a member.

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