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Neovenator's blog of getting back in the game! Current goal:KBD

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Hey everyone, I am Neovenator, I'm 20 years old and currently studying application development. I'm dutch so all my grammar/spelling mistakes will have that as an excuse. :P Also, I'm not that good at writing texts and this is actually my first blog ever, so tips are always welcome.


About two years ago I quit rs because I eventually got bored of it. But, surprise surprise I started missing it and here I am again. A few days ago I started recovering my account only to find that I got hacked and all my stuff is gone, I think I had around 350M total. :( I really looked forward to doing some GWD and slayer, the two things I enjoyed the most back in the day. Guess that's not going to happen anytime soon.


For the time being I'm going to do dailies and quests to get some starter money to get me going. I'll switch that up with dungeoneering to get some chaotics for my weapons. That seems like a good plan of action to me :P


Also, all my friends stopped playing aswell, so feel free to add me everyone. ;)


My stats when starting this blog:



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Bank pic:



Nothing exciting in there due to being hacked. Will update when I start to make some money.



Short term goals:



-Get KBD gear

-Get chaotic claws/crossbows/staff

-Complete all quests I missed out on (this should give me some good starter money together with dailies).





Let them eat pie completed !! :D



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None yet


My Blog of getting back after 2 years and a hack, check it out and feel free to add me -->


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