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Armadyl GWD - Saturday, October 12th - 3 PM EST, 7 PM GMT

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Armadyl Assault!
Kree'arra (and his minions) - Coinshare

Time and Date

Date: Saturday, October 12th
GMT: 7pm
US Eastern: 3pm
US Central: 2pm
US Mountain:1pm
US Pacific: 12PM
Friends chat: TMHT Mere
Co-hosts: TBD

Server and Location

We will meet outside the Armadyl boss room within the God wars dungeon. You will need 40 Armadyl killcount to enter the boss room, so be sure to plan time to do this before the event is scheduled to begin. Killcount can be had on Aviansies. See the tip.it Armadyl guide for more information. Coinshare will be enabled for the whole event. The world will be specified at the time of the event.



Many believe Armadyl is one of the hardest God Wars bosses in RuneScape simply because it is one of the most profitable. However it's quite the contrary. Given the right gear and a good team, Armadyl is by far the easiest boss you'll ever slay. It's easy, relaxing, and a great place to hang out and have a good time.

The boss will attack with a deadly ranged attack as well as a secondary magic attack, so a high magic defense is recommended as you'll be praying ranged. He attacks and will focus on the person dealing the highest damage so long as they are in combat with him. He attacks everybody with each attack, but while not in combat he'll melee the player with the highest damage who last attacked him. The minions will also remain on the player with the highest damage who last attacked Kree'arra.

Inventory & Equipment

All set-ups should either bring a Beast of burden (such as a Pack yak/War tortoise/Spirit Terrorbird) carrying rocktails / sharks OR use a healing familiar such as a Unicorn stallion or Elemental titan.
Overloads can be downgraded to ranging / super ranging potions,
You can only range / mage Kree'arra, and melee is impossible, so it is recomended to range kree.

Magic users should use Protect from Ranged while the boss and minions are alive. The robes can be upgraded/downgraded as desired. The Storm of Armadyl spell can be downgraded to the Polypore staff for a cheaper alternative, Do not forget your armadyl and zamorak items to keep you safe through out KC.

Ranged users should use Protect from Ranged while the boss and minions are alive. The crossbow can be substituted for a Hand cannon for those with high firemaking, however additional cannons should be brought, Do not forget your armadyl and zamorak items to keep you safe through out KC.

See the tip.it Armadyls Eyrie guide for more information on tactics and set-ups


70+ Constitution
70 ranged and a high defence level.
High combat skills will be beneficial.

Friends Chat Ranks

The Main host will be the Chat owner, or will have a Gold Star in the chat.
Silver stars are CO HOSTS.
Bronze Stars are other TMHT members.
Please note all three of these ranks will have the ability to kick members from chats, should we need to.
If you need assistance, feel free to Private message a Host/Co-host, or ask in the chat. All leaders are happy to help you with gear choices and inventory setups, should you be unsure of what to bring.

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