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Aliases for text strings


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I know that using an autotyper is against the rules in Runescape, but I was wondering if they could set up something to where you could either map some of the function keys to text strings, or be able to make some limited aliases.








For example:




You could make a greet: alias which would then display the text string which you assigned to it.




You could assign greet: to be "Hail and well met fellow traveler". Then, instead of typing it in every time, you would simply type in greet: instead of the entire text string.








There could be several allowed, greet: bye: merch: and maybe an alt: for other things.








Comments, suggestions, improvements?

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It sounds like an innocent enough idea, but imagine world 2 falador, or any other area for that matter. This could be used as a tool to spam meaningless messages, around-the-filter profanity, or even shopping advertisements. Chat would be a NIGHTMARE.

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Meanless messages are already spammed, as well as around-the-filter profanity and shopping advertisements. And, in those areas, isn't chat already a nightmare? My greatest hope with something like this is that people will actually bother to spell properly this way so that you can actually understand what they are trying to say.








Of course, it would be abused, but no more than anything else in game is, wouldn't you say?








The biggest drawback to it, though, would be that these aliases would be stored on the Jagex servers, which would take up space. Even miniscule amounts such as simple text strings add up given the amount of players in the game. Thats one of the reasons for limiting it to only a few aliases. A limit could also be placed on how quickly an alias could be used after one had been entered. Maybe somewhere in the 2 to 4 second range.








The idea harkens back to the MUD days, when everything had to be entered by text, so it's really not a new idea.

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Please no. I agree with the other comment on here. Imagine setting




free: fr33 st00f pl0x?




so spammers only had to type 5 characters to message their 'oh-so-hilarious 1337'.








The idea is fine, the practicality is not.


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*sigh* I supose you're right. Unfortunately, I often look at such things in the innoculous manner and forget just how innanely abusive and immature some of my fellow gamers can be.








Gotta keep remembering, anything that can be abused for their amusement, will.

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Good idea. but as you said it would be abused!




























*Steals your nose* HeheheheGuhu




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