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Has this happened to anyone before???


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Ok this is how it goes




Im lvl 68 combat. I 1v1 this lvl 67 and manage to beat him. The problem is that he doesn't teleport or pray or anything like that. He simply dies and it shows the whole emote of him dieing. The problem lies that his stuff doesn't appear, not even bones nothing. I sit there and wait and a few minutes later it all appears but everyone can see it and they grab it.




This later on has happened again when I beat one guy fair and square and the same results happen.




Why does this happen???


Is it just me??? or is it some Jagex update ???




I need help plz .

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Somebody allready attacked those people and did more damage


to them than you did.




So even when you eventually kill them.


The person who weakened him the most will get the drop.




After a while a drop becomes visible to everyone.








barrow drops : 1 x torag's helmet , 1 x dharok's helmet, 1 x karil's top

goals : going for 75 rcing

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