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Fastest way to train ranged.


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Hey guys.




Atm im 64 ranged and im just wondering, what would be the quickest way to train it up to 70? My defence is 73 and i would prefer to safespot, or train close to a bank.




So, could u please let me know what type of monster to train on, how many arrows and stuff id need and how long it would take me?




thanks, jack

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I've heard from various Rangers that training in King Luthas' training camp is the best experience. Ranging ogre's behind the cage makes it very great you can even collect the big bones they drop, and bronze arrows can easily get you to your goal. And isn't very far from Ardougne's northern bank.




Although, the fastest way to get 70 range, (or even 99 for that matter) is to use a cannon at dagganoths under the lighthouse. Good luck, I hope I shed some light upon your path! 8-)

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