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Battle At World 111


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yesterday, something happened at world 111...




Story 1


i heard that someone lured ppl into his house and he killed them all and they were supposevly wearing phats and stuff so he got them.




Story 2


The guy hacked a mod/jagex staff and hacked into soo many accounts and stole theyre rares. AND killed everyone..[in tha house]




Story 3


The guy made a post somewhere and it said: PARTY AT MY HOUSE! WEAR RARES BEUCZ ITS A PARTY! and lots of ppl went[with rares on] but the house wasnt in the wildy..it was somewhere but not in wildy..and the "guy" hacked a jagex staff/mod and hacked into everyone's account that was ther and stole theyre rares..




i dont know if any if this is true BUT something for sure happened at world 111 becuz it was full of ppl and these posts jus came riding up..




can someone plz tell me information on this :?: :!: :?: :!:

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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All wrong!




Cursed You was having a party for lvl 99 construction. He booted everyone from his house. For some reason, some booted people could attack people outside and their victims were unable to retaliate. Durial321 did the most damage. He went around Falador ice barraging people.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Nanosauromo is right about that. You can also check this page for more information http://tip.it/runescape/index.php?page= ... erview.htm


I'm locking this since it's already been talked about and there's no need to keep yet an other topic open ;)




This should solve your question.


If you have a goal, go for it :D Work hard, be proud and be yourself ;)
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