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Monster drop chances


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Not really. Every time you kill one there is a very small chance of getting one. Say one in 1/10000 (probably much less). You could say that after 10000 kills you would, on average, have a d left, however even that is not certain.





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Another small question:




Does the hardness of the monster affect how often it drops that left half?

Does anyone happen to know death_siren? She stole a green mask from me, and I think I found my way into her ignore list. If you know anything, please, don't hesitate to give me a pm.

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The other problem is that no-one has ever put enough time in to assess the drop likliehood for rare items from various creatures (you would need to kill literally millions for an accurate estimate). So no-one can say whether probability of a good drop changes between monsters.




Btw I met someone who had trained to 100+ cb at the fire giants without a d med drop! That sounds like bad luck to me but just so you know for left halves rare really does mean rare.

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