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History in the eyes of a dwarf x5 Also: Sari+Zammy slain!


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Chapter one: THE BEGINNING




Dwarves were born many many years ago... Long before Humans were even a twinkle in The Creator's (The Dwarf King's) eye. It was a dangerous age that the first Dwarves lived in and it is still hard to belive any survived. Let me take it from the begining of all beginings: The Creator created all things, from the squirrels to the dragons to the humans to the crawling hands. After He had flourished the land with Vampires, Dragons, Werewolves, bats and the like He sat back to admire his work. But something was wrong. These were not good things he created. He decided to push all harmful creatures back into the swamp lands of the east and create a barrier to keep them out thus, the river Salve. He then created the perfect creature: the Dwarf. He set numerous Dwarves about the land and then created all other animal to serve them. But this did not work either. The Dwarves wandered the land, trade-less and were constantly killed by other independant creatures. And the creatures he created to serve Dwarves had no intention of doing that and instead killed them. The Creator was very mad. He tried to destroy the beasts he had created but He found that was the one power he did not have. After he found he could not destroy the evil creatures, he did everything in his power to give dwarves a home. He gave them mining and smithing, he gave them mines and anvils and forges. He gave them pick axes. He guarded their mines against other creatures. He found he could not control the whole world however, as it was too tiresome. So he created Saridoman and Guthix to help him. He gave them most of the godly powers that he had. He had givin them too much power however. They were free of his will and ignored his commands. They did not work evil though. They created many peaceful creatures and beasts and the world was a happy place. The Creator was not happy however. He liked the fact that the world was happy and peaceful, but he was extremly angry at the fact that the two gods could ignore his commands. One day Saridoman and Guthix were bored with the dull un-inteligent creatures that roamed the land. And so they created humans. The humans were intelligent and soon tamed the lesser beasts of Runescape. They created towns and entire kingdoms in their likeness. But Saridoman and Guthix soon became lonely. They decided to try to combine their powers and create a third and all-powerful god brother. They did not ask perission from The Creator of course and so did not know that they had made a dire mistake: They did not know how to make the god good or evil so they skipped that and hoped he would be good and right. He was not. Saridoman and Guthix creation of Zamorak sapped all thier powers. They lay upon a beds of clouds for one week. During that time, Zamorak spread evil about the land. This was the beginning of The God Wars.




Chapter two: THE GOD WARS




Now these may not be the same wars that you heard about. They may have some parts that you reconize, and others you don't. You may think the whole thing I made up. You would be mistaken. This is how it really happened.




When Saridoman and Guthix woke from their slumber they found their new brother, Zamorak, nowhere to be seen. They found their creatures evil and their flocks slain. Zamorak had also introduced Slayer to the beasts and fowl. Cities were in uproar. Saridoman and Guthix tried to restore order but they found their efforts to no avail. They sought out to find their brother. After many a day of searching, they finally located him across the river Salve, mobilizing an army to destroy the rest of the land and reshape it to his liking. Saridoman and Guthix knew they could not fight the army and Zamorak combined so instead they counter-planned. Guthix would not have any part in warring, as being right and just he could not choose which side to fight on. So he went into hiding and was not seen until the war was over. So Saridoman set out to all the large cities. At the time there were only two. Lumbridge and Varrock. So he placed a barrier around those cities so that only a beast wearing Saridoman clothing could enter or leave. Then he enlisted all the good men from those cities and other samaller un-protected towns. The war was beginning. Now Saridoman knew that beasts alone could not defeat Zamorak, and it would be he in the end that fought him. But he also knew his army would help him on his quest. He, as had his brother, had created thousands upon thousands of troops to help him. The Creator could sense that their was a disturbence on Runescape and so he went down from his kingdom of clouds to see what it was. He was shocked and horrified when he saw the two armies and Zamorak. He went to Guthix. Who is this third god? He asked. So Guthix related all that had happened to him. The Creator was very angry. First, he cursed Guthix for having part in making Zamorak by making it so Guthix could not take any part in fighting or wars and made him right and just so he could not do anything exept what was good. The Crwator knew Saridoman was already good, and he would save his punishment for later. Then he created millions of powerful dwarves to destroy the two armies. The dwarves made quick work of their oppenents because it was 100 to 1 in each battle. The dwarves pured into the land, defeating every non-dwarf in their path. Saridoman and Zamorak knew that they could not face off against millions of dwarves so the fled from Runescape for a time. After the war was over, The Creator and Guthix created all the beasts and creatures that had roamed the land before the war. They did not know what to do with all the dwarves though. At the time there was only one world so you can only imagine how crowded it was. That was when The Creator invented multiple worlds. He made one hundred though he planned to make more later. He made beasts and creatures for each world and spread the dwarves about them. There were still many many dwarves. So the Creator made Dwarftopia, an underground city for dwarves. It is located in one of the worlds (I can't tell you which it's a secret) and houses over 3 million dwarves. Remember, these dwarves could kill any armies in Runescape! Do not attempt to take over the world as you would soon be killed by this dwarf army! But more to the point, Dwarves in Dwarftopia never come to the surface. It is rare for a dwarf to ever come above the surface except at the Dwarven Mines above Falador. Now Saridoman and Zamorak eventually came back, as they could not hide forever. The Creator cursed them by making Saridoman color be blue, which is the weakest color, and Zamorak's color be red, the cursed color. Guthix's color was green.






Chapter three: the story, CONTINUED!




After the horrible god wars were over beasts and creatures multiplied about the land and once again the times were peaceful. Peaceful at least until the Adventurers Uprising. This is how it happened. It was a warm spring day and the birds were singing and everything was peaceful and happy. Saridoman was very fond of these types of days and decided to go to Runescape in the form of a human to see what trouble he could stir up. He decided on Falador and went there. Upon entering, he was struck with horror and disgust. Men fighting in the streets, muggers attacking right and left while bank guards pickpocketed locals and houses aflame created a smaokey amphosphere that clouded even the most jaded somke blower's eyes. Saridoman chose the name Sammy as that was as close to his real name as he could think of. "Come friend!" A citizen told him, "Come to the meeting in which we plot against Saridoman in the Great Uprising!" "Sammy" was so surprised he lashed out and killed the man. "I must put a stop to this!" He thought. He hurried to the meeting where a short little man was running the forum. "Quiet down now, quiet!" The man began "We are all here today to find out how we could wreak our revenge against Saridoman, we are. Any suggestions, suggestions?" "What has Saridoman done to you" Saridoman piped up.


"He tore me leg off!"


"He killed my children!"


"He stole my ship!"


"He burned our crops and salted our feilds!"




"No, but are we going to wait around until he does?"


"Quiet, all of you, you!" The samll man shouted over the fray, "All mighty Zamorak has told us that that he was the one who did it, we all know that. Zamorak says Saridoman is the blame for all our troubles! But how will we find him?" "Look," Sammy chirped, "Zamorak is bad! He did all these things and put the blame on Saridoman! Have any of you actually seen Saridoman?" "NO! BUT WE HATE HIM!" Someone yelled. "You, how could Saridoman could have tore your leg off you without you seeing him?" Sammy said. "Well ya see, he was in the shape of A... A... A mugger! Yeah thats it!" He replied. "AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU SAW SARIDOMAN?" Screamed the small man. "Kill him!" Came the yell from every man except Sammy. "You want to see saridoman do ya?" Sammy said, "Well take an eyeful a this ya lousy Zamorakians!" Saridoman rose to full stregnth and height, weilding a deadly staff in one hand and a large sword in the other. The men ran and hid. They did not know that Saridoman could not fight. And that is how Saridoman grew to hate his brother, Zamorak.




Chapter four: The deaths of Saridoman and Zamorak




As I related in the last chapter, Zamorak made the people of Runescape hate Saridoman by making them think Saridoman was the cause for all their troubles. Saridomans growing hate for Zamorak enlarged each day until Saridoman could not take it any more. He went to The Creator. "Father, I hate Zamorak with all my strength and I can't take it anymore! Please give me a weapon and allow me to fight Zamorak." Saridoman pleaded. The Creator was wise and also knew Zamorak needed to be killed. Sence he could not do it, why not Saridoman? And if Saridoman died also, it would be an added bonus. So He granted Saridoman's wish and created for him a rune battleaxe. It was the first rune weapon ever. Soon after Saridoman had left, Zamorak came in. "Please father!" He begged, "Saridoman is trying to find me and kill me! Please give me a weapon to defend myself with!" The Creator agreed and gave him a dragon battleaxe. It was the first dragon weapon also. Then The Creator went to Guthix. "Son," He said, "you must destroy Saridoman and Zamorak, or whoever is left after they fight. You are already a master in normal magic, so I give you Ancient Magic to desttroy them. Introduce ancient magic to the beasts of Runescpae too. Now go!" Guthix hurried off. Meanwhile Saridoman had found Zamorak. "You have wronged me for too long brother! Prepare to face your death." Saridoman yelled as he rushed him, swinging his deadly battleaxe. "Ha!" Zamorak sneered, "You can't fight remember?" A large gash that Saridoman issued with his mighty weapon pushed that thought out of his mind. The two brothers fought with all their stregnth, neither giving way. But soon it was clear that The Creator had givin Zamorak a better weapon though and Saridoman was slain. Zamorak lay panting with a pool of his brother's blood surrounding him. Then Guthix arrived. "Sorry brother," Guthix began, "But you must also die." Guthix created a block of ice to incase Zamorak and then smashed him to bits using his mighty sword, Galton. Guthix returned to The Creator. "The deed is done" He said solemnly to his father. The Creator then made another pair of gods named Saridoman and Zamorak. These two were less powerful and he could control them. Before he could make Zamorak good, he slipped away. Saridoman was still normal Saridoman though. Zamorak gathered followers and hid. He is still gaining strength to this day in hopes of someday defeating The Creator. To be continued!


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