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pixel sig please?


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Well, i would like a pixel sig. In the sig i would like Me wearing a blue mask, monk robes (top and bottom), power ammy, fighting boots, gold gloves, and a fire staff. I would like a skull above my head too.




I would like a person skulled in full rune with part of the snare animation being casted on him, and a fire blast spell coming from me. If possible i would like one or two full rune'ers running away aswell, both skulled.




The eare is obviously the wilderness, could you add a couple of lava patches that go off of the sides of the sig to please. Also i would like "Oolatuck" written in this font, the outline white and the inside transparent if possible, with the outline flaring out slighty.




Thats all i cna think of fo now, if you are gonna have a go at it please post to let me know, thanks






Hyt me ingame pl0x!

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