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Nihil Obstat: Refer to link on last post!


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Once, a long, long time ago, in the vast past of Runescapes golden ages and the dawn of the ages of war....








The land was prosperous...Beautiful, and Golden. The many people of Runescape spoke the same language; no other language existed at the time. Discrimination did not exist, nor did hatred, destruction, or Sin. This era was known as the Nativity---The time of "Childhood," for the young, growing world of Runescape. As the Nativity era faded away, the dawn of the new era came; the Golden Age of Runescape. Discrimination started to take its toll on the many races, thus resulting in a revolutionary war, in an uninhabited part of Runescape were Lumbridge now stands.




Anyway, the revolution resulted in the deaths of many of the people, and Saradomin was not pleased. People started to turn from him. They started to hate each other, kill and slaughter each other. The Golden age had turned to the Dark Ages of Runescape. There were many battles...But, even in the time of darkness, were all hope faded away from the once happy faces of Runescape...








A new God had appeared.








The new God claimed to be Zamorak, who promised the people even more power and wealth beyond their wildest dreams. The avarice of men is strong indeed; the monks turned away from Saradomin. Many of the devout and strong warriors of Runescape turned away from their once proud God. Thus, the monks and warriors created an alliance known as the Warriors of Zamorak.




The once proud and strong men fell under the strings of the mighty Zamorak. The wealth and luster that man had contained in the land for centuries had failed. The lust for power and greed was very great indeed, for the foolish men and women; but the still proud and devout men of Saradomin's army stood tall, for their families, friends, and their homes...








Among these men was a warrior named...








Chapter 1: Edge








"Fienrir!" The young prince shouted at the man in Dragon armor. Fienrir quickly turned around to see the young Prince Roald, in golden trimmed wizard armor, holding a Saradomin prayer book and a large staff. "I finally caught up to you!" Roald was panting very hard.








"YouÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re not very physically fit at all." Fienrir said sharply. Fienrir laughed, Roald wheezed and panted, trying to laugh, too.








"I haven't seen you in..." Roald started to count with his fingers, still panting hard, "I think two months. You have been training! Look at you, youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re in Dragon armor, a Gold cape, gold boots, a Dragon two-handed sword, Gold gloves...Need I say more?"








"You've said enough." Fienrir though it was funny how a prince, especially Roald, a young and spoiled prince, admired an outsider such as he. But sometimes he understood; the prince had to stay home and learn how to be like a king, and could never leave the castle, unless he was going with a guard. Fienrir always volunteered. He liked Roald, and to be friends with him meant he wouldn't have to treat him any different from any other person in the land. At least, thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s what Roald told him.








"I'm sorry that I'm excited...But being one of my only adventurous friends, I like to hear whatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s going on in the outside world." So Fienrir told him. He told him of the mighty Dust Devils, the Kalphinite Queen, the Lesser and Greater demons, and the other dangerous monsters that he killed in cold blood. He told him of his techniques of becoming rich (although they never worked). He then told him of the uprising of the Zamorak warriors.




He thought for a second, and was partially reluctant in saying anything of the Zamorak warriors; especially of the sabotage missions that he had gone on. But Roald had heard rumors of these things, and told Fienrir not to worry about getting in trouble. The two young men looked into the horizon to see a small, yet very clear view of the big city of Edge.








When they both arrived into the town, they immediately looked around for any rare and valuable items, such as amulets, armor of any type, and some food. Fienrir grabbed as much sharks and lobsters and swordfish that his pack could hold, and Roald came back with nothing but a small, black amulet.








"What's this!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Chapter 8: Unfufilled Memories








The warriors scattered, and Fienrir whatched as they all entered their stations and began recrunstruction on the shattered weapons from the previous battle. The only thing Fienrir was truly worried about now is that he had to devise a plan in order to get to Vad'Idlien. You see, the barrier that tests your heart and allows you to pass if you are pure, that is only one part to the truly challenging part.




Fienrir thought it was simple. Slay monsters and other horrible sigts to behold and dodge traps in order to reach the barrier, were you are tested. Simple. They called this the Gauntlet, the one place that anyone should fear if they choose to imagrate to Vad'Idlien.




"Fienrir..." Vincent stood next to him, his blood-red eyes gleaming in the twilight.




"Vincent...What's the matter? You need something?"




"I needed to talk to you...About the Oracle..."




"He never mentioned you..."




"I know...But how, just how, are we going to get passed the damn Gauntlet? No one has since the creation of it." Vincent said in his deep voice.




"I...Don't know...But I need to ask you something myself...Give this map to Reldo, will ya? It contains the renaiming of this land, Edgeville I call it. The map is so we can record the Gauntlet and Vad'Idlien itself."




"That is, if we make it back alive."




"Stop being so damn negative." Fienrir shoved the map into Vincent's chest. "Come on...I know we've never got along, but everyone's counting on us, so let's make this time we have in war with eachother...Memorable, huh?" Fienrir held out his hand.




"I was just about to say the same thing..." He shook Fienrir's hand respectfully, then did something Fienrir had never seen him do. Smiled.




"Thanks, Vincent."








"Now what should we do?" Fienrir angrily asked.




"How should I know, we're gonna have to pass those damn Zamorak warriors come the end of the Gauntlet. They were smart; they knew we were coming. Those kiniving son's of---




"Listen, I can take em' on. So calm it down. We have our teams ready, and we can get to the end without fail. We leave at the regular planned time." Thus the conversation ended, Roald and Reldo both leaving the small room, leaving Fienrir to ponder his own thoughts. Suddenly, a ring started to sting his ears, then, he fell to the floor...








"So, Fienrir...Do you swear to uphold the laws within our sacred clan? If we ask for a blood sacrifice, will you be willing to kill someone without question? Will you kill yourself without question? The sacred duty within our clan must stay hidded...The Warrior's Zamorak will never be known to another soul except you. Do you understand?"




"Yes, mylord." Fienrir bowed to Zamorak's alter, not Knoing what he was doing.




"Then, take this knife, and reveal your true loyalty to Zamorak!" The mysterious man exclaimed, the rest of the Zamorak knights cheering. Taking the knife, he took a deep breathe, knowing the consiquences of what might happen next. He took the knife and sliced part of his skin off, blood dripping down his arm, then placed it over a little pool of water, werein some of the care-takers bandaged his hand. "Welcome...To the Knights of Zamorak!"








"Damn you, wake up!" Fienrir jumped up, thinking at first that he was still sleeping, but realized after a punch across the face he was truly awake. In front of him, Vincent and Reldo stood, both looking displeased.




"What---Are we finally leaving?"




"Yes," Vincent said with a hiss, "Now get up. Damn, you were really out cold, huh? How much have you been drinking?" Fienrir yawned, stretching his body, and then said: "Nothing. But, I had a strange dream...Almost like Deja Vu or something. But it was pretty creepy."




"The other's are waiting. Hurry up!" Vincent said, as he exited to the room, followed by Reldo, leaving the door open. Fienrir's eyes lit up. He got up, then looked at the proud warriors already stationed, and he wasn't in the same room as he was in before, he realized. He was in a mini room, but it was a makeshift center for him until they eased up and were raring to go. Fienrir made sure that all of his armor was still on him, and exited the tent. Almost every warrior held a torck, but Fienrir got a staff torch, to recognize he was the leader. So Fienrir began:




"So it finally begins! My brother's and Sister's! The Gauntlet is a very dangerous place to tred; but fear not! You have all been divided up to what seems to be stations to kill the sections of monsters...I hope none of you are foolish enough to enter unless you have a pure heart." Everyone let out a battle-cry, all rallied up and ready. "If these monsters wnat us to die...You better damn believe that we're gonna give em all we got before we go! Now onward!" The last battle-cry. Every warrior began to march. Every man and women ready, knowing what they were doing. Or Fienrir hoped.








They arrived.




The first thing that crossed Fienrir's mind was this: How can Zamorak warriors get through the barrier? A really random thought, but he was pondering to himself already. He would figure it out later. Now was the time for battle. Withdrawing his sword, he raised it in the air, halting all movement from the army. He looked around the Hell-hole; hills upon hills of nothing, but scorpians ruled here, and some rifts were torn in the ground, and he saw the Zamorak warriors. This is all? He inhaled, then gently exhaled, as he threw down his sword, screaming: Onwards!" The battle-cry agin, as Fienrir led the army into battle. The sections then split into a grand delta formation, Fienrir running down the middle, Vincent going to slay Giants, and Roald leading the men to the scorpians.




Fienrir arrived at the site were they were stationed, but no Zamorak warriors could be found. But Fienrir knew they were close by; he heard the foot-steps, and their childish giggling. But then he heard somthing else, and something that made him start to give him fear.




"What is that?" Reldo asked, mapping out the area.




"Idiot...Stop mapping out the area...There's a damn dragon nearby...Probably released by the warriors..." Everyone paused, each scanning every part of the area to make sure there wasn't one close by.




"Sire, I see no---" The scream could be heard for miles. Claws were sticking out of the warriors heart, chest, and stomach. The fist of the dragon was unbielevably massive; the dragon was bigger than any other one Fienrir had seen. "Damn!" Fienrir exclaimed, then held out his sword to the dragon: "Form delta! Now!" The warriors that were with him already circled the dragon to confound me. Too easy. "Now, right side, hit his head to distract him! I'll deliver the final blow!" The men started to hit his ear, as the dragon clamped it's jaw in front of them, and Fienrir ran over to deliver the blow---
















The dragon fell to the ground. That was possibly to easy---




Fienrir felt a large weapon hit his stmoach, and he instantly started to black out. He looked up to see a familiar warrior, a wariror he thought he had slain...
















He looked down to see the maul, the fell to his side, as he heard him say: "Missed me? Yes you did." Damn! Fienrir exclaimed in his mind. "Well, like I said before, Good night!" He raised the maul, above his head, but a sword implaed him instantaneously. Sikie fell, and behind him, fearlessly holding the dragon two handed sword was Reldo, his legs shaking, his breathing hard.




"I'm proud of you, Reldo." He weezed and gasped for air.




"Get up! The dragon was only a distraction, we won!" He heard the vast victory cries from the warriors from all over. He closed his eyes as he faded into a black out.








Fienrir couldn't remember a thing. He burned down the church of Zamorak. Killed the leader. Killed his so-called friends. They didn't even like him. They tricked him. They tried to make him destroy the churches of Saradomin, they made him attempt to assasinate people, and when he was about to do these things he refused. The tortured him, burned him with heated shards of metals, cut him...Many things. So he murdered them, and now, he doesn't even know his place...








"Through the water on him." Water met Fienrir's heated up body, and he sprung awake. he couldn't remember anything, but remembered the dream he had. But this was no dream, he thought. I blacked out...I...Remember...




"We at the end?"




"Yessir. We are here...The Twilight Gates." He looked at the sparkiling red and gold mixed barrier, shped like two, gargantuan doors. But he couldn't focus. He remembered those things that he nearly did, those dreams weren't dreams. They were memories.








His memories...

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I guess I'll continue soon.........Depends if anyone reads it.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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  • 1 month later...

If you can take the time to write such a detailed story, i'll try to find the time to read it.








I hope it's good. I printed it :? 20 pages. So i can read it in the toilet :D



Do not ask God for an easy life. Ask him for the strength to endure a difficult one.

Pansy: a weak, effeminate, and often cowardly man. (Oxford English Dictionary)


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I understand that you read my old version of my story. If you want to read the new version, then click the link below. It is long, so I don't expect you to print it! :D I am nearly done with it, and soon I will release a sequal. If you don't get this, I will send you a PM, too.









Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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