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Guest Armour_Skull

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if u can merge a REALLy hot girl in there ill pay you 400k for the sig, make rs name xx ghetto xx, and 90+ ranged, that about it also at bottom say Member of ' T h e ' Clan








use this pic if u can:
















that girls blazn

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Guest Armour_Skull
if u can merge a REALLy hot girl in there ill pay you 400k for the sig, make rs name xx ghetto xx, and 90+ ranged, that about it also at bottom say Member of ' T h e ' Clan








use this pic if u can:








http://priv.twoje-sudety.pl/~kosa/blogi ... 7/bann.jpg








that girls blazn








Merge her with what?








I can but with what?

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Guest fog_drake

hi, I like those sigs. I just never buy sigs, becouse it costs too much. I usually buy armour instead :P . But I like them. Great work. I wish you good luck with your shop

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