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Magic/Ranged Randoms (AKA: Updated idea i had)


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warriors: lvl1/5/10/20/30/40/




rangers: 1/20/40




mages: 1








i have a suggestion. new f2p armours for both mages and rangers, which at least fill in 3 gaps on the level sheet i have shown above. these are my ideas:








Ankou Bone Armour (Level 30). Made from asking Wizard traiborn whever he can make some armour for him. After 5 screens, you may pay him 30 big bones and a certain amount of Ankou Bones (new drop from Ankou. 35% chance of drop) to get some armour. i have not decided the bonuses, but it would have a warrior defence equal to green d'hide, a medium mage atk bonus, and small ranged defence




How to make it?




Body: 30 big bones and 15 Ankou Bones




Legs: 30 big bones and 10 Ankou Bones




Helmet: 15 big bones and 7 Ankou Bones




Boots: 5 big bones and 4 Ankou Bones








Finely Woven Robes [Robe (f)] (Level 40 Mage and Level 50 Defence). This is a full set of Blue Robes which have been enchanted to give a greater bonus. First you must collect the blood of a Cantlepon, Greater Demon, Varrock Guard, EVIL CHICKEN, RANDOM SHADE, and RANDOM ZOMBIE. You must then bring all of this to Maligus Mortifier and also bring him something for his Necromancy (Chaos or Death Runes. Any amount from 30-140). Then you must pay him a certain amount of coins. Their combined bonus is 3x the normal robe bonus, a very weak ranged defence and medium Melee defence




How do you make it?




Body: random amount of chaos/death runes + 100. 4 vials of each blood type. 10k coins




Legs: random amount of chaos/death runes +80. 3 vials of each blood type. 7.5k coins




Helmet: random amount of chaos/death runes +60. 2 vials of each blood type. 5k coins




Boots (Blue Dye+Leather Boots): random amount of chaos/death runes +40. 1 vial of each blood type. 2.5k coins








Ranged (Imperial is F2P, Sky Demonic is P2P)




Imperial Demonbone Armour (Red only, duh?) (60 Ranged)By Chielekop (Thanks dude!)




But what did you think of demonbone armour? When you kill greater or lesser demons you got a 1/25 chance of getting demonbones. With level 50 crafting you can craft the demon bones into bone splinters. If you then use the bone splinters with a forge, and you have also a steel bar with you, you can smith the demonbone armour. It's of course red.




How do you make it?




Body: 16 splinters, 3 gold bars




Legs: 10 splinters, 2 gold bars




Helmet: 4 splinters, 1 gold bar




Boots: 4 splinters, 1 gold bar








Sky Demonic Armour (White and Blue) (80 Ranged)




Down in the Peninsula Caves, there have been talks of Demonic forces meeting to unite the iceland tribes living around there. They are the Ice Daemons, forces of evil forced out by the magicks of the Ice wyverns. Their hides are naturally impervious to magic, their spiney backs honed to unleash magic/ranged attacks to devastate their enemies




They have moved there, with difficulty, and have already gathered a troop of Ice Giants, Icicle Warriors, Seals and Mutated Ice spiders, and are now counted as a place to hone your HUNTER SKILL with creatures that require 85 Hunter to kill (more about this below). They drop their hides 100% of the time, but outside of the caves, they will degrade. They also drop 3 readymade Bone Splinters 20% of the time!




How to make it?




Go to the Hunting Store in Yanille, and pay 400K and 50 hides to create the armour. you must make it in one go. The armour also gives a bonus to your camo value in Icy areas (for hunter) and requires a mighty 60 hunting to wear








Hunting Location: Icy Caves of Peninsula




Available in a new cave across the Skeletal Wyvern area, this zone has a very small amount of higher level ice birds and some mutated Icicle Kebbits (Tracked, Level46 Hunting required). There is a small encampment of Ice giants and Ice Warriors, attracted into the Demonic army by the lure of gold and better armour. for this reason, they drop 10% more gold than normal warriors and giants, and also drop some of the Sky Demonic Set VERY rarely. The entire area is MULTI COMBAT!




You may also hunt Kyatts, Arctic Tigers (70 Hunting, Pit trap), and Frost sprites (Level 50 Hutning, Butterfly net, increases ranged bonus by 15%)












I have no ideas for the random yet. i just have some armour types




please can someone recommend f2[/i]p mage armour bonuses?

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I like the idea.








But what did you think of demonbone armour? When you kill greater or lesser demons you got a 1/25 chance of getting demonbones. With level 50 crafting you can craft the demon bones into bone splinters. If you then use the bone splinters with a forge, and you have also a steel bar with you, you can smith the demonbone armour.




It's of course red.








I don't know if you like the idea.








For the stats of the armour, I would suggest not too bad, but also not too good, because if you set the stats too high, so, reasonnably for f2p.









Currently hunting for clues. Any advice? PM me please =)

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Its a pretty good idea, but its a pretty good idea...but i have a question, how do creatures drop blood? Are they in the vials already when they drop, or do you have to bring vials?





overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
Lowest Combat to 1,000 Total in F2P (23 Combat)
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