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    Liberal Arts
  1. Aww you got prayer, darn...it is your choice though, :(. I reckon you should get high slayer (use range) and maybe some infinity by training mage at mage training arena. L8r Sk8r. H2
  2. Scizor is the name of a person, who i quoted and used as an example. H2
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys, i will edit/add some information later if needs be. That isn't the first time somebody has thought i stole this guide either. And this guide is mainly based around p2p training, but i may change that in the future. Once again thanks for the feedback. H2
  4. I have pictures, they are just on my other computer, i will upload in the next few days most likely. H2
  5. COMBAT TRAINING GUIDE V1.2 1. Introduction -1.2 Control-F-How you can browse this guide better. 2. Melee -2.1 lvl 1-20 -2.2 lvl 20-30 -2.3 lvl 30-40 -2.4 lvl 40-60 -2.5 lvl 60-99 -2.55 Slayer. 3. Range -3.1 lvl 1-40 -3.2 lvl 40-60 -3.3 lvl 60-99 4. Mage -4.1 lvl 1-45 -4.2 lvl 45-55 -4.3 lvl 55-99 or lvl 55-80 -4.35 lvl 80-99 5. Extra Tips 6. Contributors 7. Conclusion 1. Introduction Hello, welcome to my combat training guide. After seeing so many different threads asking the same questions about combat training I decided to make one big guide about combat training, for the purposes of cleaning up the forums and most importantly to help fellow Runescapers reach their goals. This thread will help you master the art of combat. Enjoy. *Please note, many of the training area's I talk about after you have reached level 60 will require no food. I do not know of many good training areas which require food, but if you do, please post them. I will add the information to the guide and you name to the "contributors" list. Thankyou.* **Please note the levels I am referring to in the Melee guide are your attack, strength and defense levels. Not your combat level.** 1.2 Search Function Because this guide is quite large you can use the Control-f search function. To access this press down the control key (appears as "ctrl" in your keyboard then press the letter "f" key. This will bring up a small dialog box. Type in any of the numbers in the index to make better use of this guide. ^Top 2. Melee Melee is great, it is extremely important; it defines how you will play the game. It is almost cost free and now you have access to this guide, it is easy to train. Training your melee skills gives you access to more areas, more weapons, more armour, more quests and most importantly more fun! 2.1 Level 1-20. It may be tough to find a spare training spot on the free to play worlds (if free to play people are reading) but on members you should be able to find a nice spot to train. I recommend training at the cows and goblins East of Lumbridge. But there are several other spots: -The cows: Other training spots: - The chicken farms, there are two of them on either side of the river. #1. #2. - The Goblins in Draynor forest, which is West of Lumbridge. There may be many more spots in the members world but I will not cover them because a low level such as this should not be wandering the Earth looking for training spots when perfect spots are close to home. 2.2 Level 20-30. Training gets a bit more fun. You have access to better weapons and armour at level 20 and you can experiment with these. I personally recommend still training at the cows because they are very easy to kill and drop hides, which are extremely useful for levelling Crafting later on or you can sell them for a nice profit. But there are some other spots: Other training spots: - The dark wizards which are just outside the southern entrance to Varrock, hard to miss because they sit there enchanting all day until somebody comes and slaughters them. These are good for hoarding runes, they drop a nice bunch every now and again. - The skeletons down in the Varrock sewers are good to train on. There are tons of them down there. The entrance is just south-east of the Varrock Castle. 2.3 Level 30-40. This is where training gets tough. The wonderful runite is just out of reach. Lucky for you I have some great places to train for you. My personal favourite is the Phoenix Gang Head Quarters. But you must be a Phoenix Gang member, which may or may not appeal to you. (Phoenix ftw). But yes training down in the Phoenix Gang H.Q is great because there are a lot of thieves down there not surprisingly, and it is close to the bank. To get down there I believe you have to have started and almost completed the "Shield of Arrav quest" which is not hard at all. Other training spots: - The guards of Varrock are great training, though they donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t like to admit this themselves. 2.4 Level 40-60. Training shouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t be as taxing now because you are able to wield and wear your lovely Runite armour. You should be quite happy to because this is where members really pays off. Do the quests "Priest in Peril" and "Creature of Fenkenstrain" to gain access to one of the greatest training spots in the world of Runescape. The experiment lair, training here is great, the experiments are level 25 with 100hp, they giving you 400xp each kill. BeautifulÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâæTrain here lots and you will fly up the levels. *Please note, even though the requirement for Pest Control is 40 combat, it would be better for everybody if people with melee levels under 60 didn't train there because many of these people are too weak and they cannot kill the beasts or portals fast enough.* There are still some other places to train which are alright, such as the Guards of Varrock. Because they are near the bank you may be able to find a good deal on that piece of weaponry you had been training for, you get the idea. To me there really is no other good training spot other than the Experiment lair, if you think other wise I will happily add the training spot you think is good, if you can prove it is a generally good spot to train. Other training spots: -Hill Giants near the Observatory, these are great experience and they drop large bones which will help you tremendously when it comes to training your prayer. You can use the bank at "Castle Wars" also. If the experiment lair is full you could also train at the Elemental monsters which reside in the basement of a smith house in Seer's Village. To get here you must be able to do the "Elemental Workshop" quest, it is well worth it because these Elemental monsters drop tons of runes which will help you with your magic. -This may be a little specific, but for f2p pures, a good place to train from 30-60 str (provided you have 40 attack) is at the dark wizards in level 7 wilderness above falador. 37 magic strongly recommended. 2.5 Level 60-99. Okay by now you should know what to train on and where, but I am nice so I wonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t just leave you stranded if you do not know what to train on. Experiments still are the best experience; they cost no food, are close to a bank ( if you teleport with the ectophial) and are weak. But if the experiments are full I have some other good training spots for you. Most of them require quests to be started or done, but by this level you should be able to do them, and the rewards are great. Also around this level it would be alright if you went to train at Pest Control because you would be able to kill most of the beasts. Other training spots: - There are level 80 giant skeletons which inhabit DamisÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ pit. This requires 53 thieving, and part of ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅDesert TreasureÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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