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  1. Hmm, still not sure what the issue is. Since you seem to be the only one having problems, and without more information, I'd probably guess you accidentally type something in wrong.
  2. That's not really enough data to get the full picture. Could you post a.) The deck items/hulls/rams/etc. you have b.) The full stats of the crew/captain you're using c.) A screenshot of the Runescape interface showing the values for each stat. d.) Are you using any effects? Thanks!
  3. No problem! And do note (this may or may not have been added already, I'm not sure) that the random event effects are additive, too.
  4. Of course, those numbers are assuming you're just doing a naive brute force of all possible combinations. It might very well be possible to be smarter about it by weighting different crew/captain/items/etc. depending on the goal (i.e. if the goal is for 10000 morale, guys with 0 morale would get weighted a lot less than guys with 1000 morale, so use all the guys with 1000 morale first, then consider the rest etc.), allowing the optimal result to be found sooner. However, this would be a lot more complicated to code, so I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
  5. That's not computationally feasible. For just 2 ships, if you have 3 captains and 23 crew, there are just over 5 trillion possible combinations to check (5044177841472 to be exact). You could cut that down somewhat by throwing out voyages that don't do better than say 80% for one goal, but that still leaves billions of combinations to check, which simply takes too much time. For reference, 1 ship with 3 captains and 23 crew has around 5 million combinations. This takes my browser about 5 seconds to calculate, so that's about a million per second. A billion combinations for 2 ships would then take about 1000 seconds, or about 16 minutes. I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait 16 minutes for the computer to tell me something that will save a few percent on the voyage.
  6. Minor bug in the calculator: When calculating the stat boosts based on which shipwright, the additional bonus from the higher shipwrights is additive, not multiplicative. I.e. for the nautical shipwright, the bonus should be 1.03 for morale, 1.03 for combat, and 1.05 for seafaring, not 1.0506 for seafaring. Proof: Here's a screenshot of one of my current voyages: and here is the output of my program (which, incidentally, is much faster than this JS one) used to pick that voyage setup: Input stats for which to search: 0 0 10500 Bonus: Item(1.03,1.03,1.05,1.03,,0) Best result has a 100.70% chance: Item(1792.2,2214.5,10573.5,2157.85,,0) Best item1: ornate rigging with stats 0.00 Morale, 0.00 Combat, 1050.00 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed. Best item2: ornate rigging with stats 0.00 Morale, 0.00 Combat, 1050.00 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed. Best captain: anne skulltaker with stats 674.65 Morale, 1266.90 Combat, 624.75 Seafaring, and 612.85 Speed. Best ram: battle ram with stats 0.00 Morale, 515.00 Combat, 0.00 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed. Best hull: hull of storms with stats 412.00 Morale, 412.00 Combat, 945.00 Seafaring, and 309.00 Speed. Best crew: sea witch with stats 612.85 Morale, 0.00 Combat, 1349.25 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed cartographer with stats 51.50 Morale, 10.30 Combat, 1349.25 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed cartographer with stats 10.30 Morale, 0.00 Combat, 1338.75 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed cartographer with stats 20.60 Morale, 10.30 Combat, 1428.00 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed cartographer with stats 10.30 Morale, 0.00 Combat, 1438.50 Seafaring, and 0.00 Speed (All my numbers there already have the bonus multiplied in to save some computation) You can calculate that by hand to see that it matches up with the stats in the picture. If the bonus were instead 1.0506, then the result would be Best result has a 100.76% chance: Item(1792.2,2214.5,10579.5,2157.85,,0), a difference of 6 in seafaring. This is very minor, but still incorrect.
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