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Mind of Pyrox

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When to draw the line


Well a long time ago I started playing this good game we all call 'scape, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself playing solo for awhile. I decided to try out clan wars one day and low and behold I found myself immersed in the world of clanning. For the past years since that moment I've been in and out of a few clans, prefering to stay loyal and honourbound to those I was tied to, and have succeeded in becoming a very good clanner and have improved my logical mind and my tactical vision even further (although I'm not sure what use they will play in the years to come.)


For these past years, nothing has ever been wrong with my life, I've been well-able to balance 'scaping and lifing and have maintained very good grades in school, 90% and higher averages to be precise. Recently however, my grades have taken a slip. I went on vacation and came back to find myself with 65%'s in Chemistry and Biology, and a 70% in math. My dreams of going to medical school (McMasters hopfully<3) flew before my eyes when I saw that, and I resolved that this needs to change.


I guess this story isn't just mine, many of you out there are probably suffering similar 'conditions' and are having grades slip, or losing your social lives. My question is where to draw the line, I am not quitting, but merely retiring for clanning for the weeks it takes me to improve my marks, because in the end, getting into Medical School will almost guarantee my life goes well down the road, the good game of 'scape won't, and while I'll still be playing for awhile, my marks will deffinitely be the priority from now on.


If you actually took the time to read this then thanks I suppose, and stop yourself and wonder where the line needs to be drawn. I'll see all you clanners on return, will still be an avid poster here.

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