liek...spirit mages? kthxplox...liek...i only use p pots that i make myself, and im running low '_'.....liek...d boots kthxplox... and like.......................................50k to 90 slayer <3....dadi dont even tell me your slayer level i wish i had teh new bone crusher thingie from teh new "skill" but i dont wana get 13k stupid tokens >.>
liek.....i gotted a fire cape a while back >.> and liek....i nao wears it for slayer...liek...i notices hao everyone in teh kurdal dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeon has a fire cape >.> cape > attack cape.......lame i wish i would has had have gotten it befoar
Twss: a common phrase uttered by me and teh abc and teh stands for "thats what she said"......people like this guy were liek "twssing should be kickable"....and someone named hell rais though so too...but this guys departure hell rais thought they were funny >.> he said...."always giving me advice and cheering me up when i needed it [especially with the twss bombs]" like....either hes a hypocrite or gsers didnt like me.... hell rais and bloody and the detroit redwi
liek....this is almost every reason wai i hate goldskillers the clan....>.> -the clan chat: only 1 cc and the ranks mean nothing, but weak people have too much power to kick and stuffs.... <.< the person who "owns" the cc is gradeskip and he doesnt do a good jorb at it -the "admins": gradeskip and etp are two of the worst "admins" ive ever seen. they dont do much and post "gs admin" to whatever sig they can find. They let personal issues become major events. (like the original r
garrrrrrrrgoyles? im so lame that i erase all my tasks and dont have enough slay slay points to buy the auto hammer feature '_' olike....i gotted 96 str from this task >.>
so has a brother....and hes like...12...or 13...or something...and he weighs like 300 lbs....and stuff and on christmas he gotted an eksbawks....and a guitar...and stuff... and he gotted moar christmiss presents than abc did....and stuff and he does lacrosse....and stuff.... and he is pretty cool...and stuff... and he is lame....and stuff ok so liek... kthxbai
Arabic grammar = strange and complex in order to say she goes with them to the beach and played volley gotsta say... she goes with them to the beach and plays with them ball volley >.>
so liek........mai first srs blog post? ok...slayer...i does i kill stuff..and i get i can be riches? ok.... i can has fire giants as a task? ok..... ok...kthxbai